0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's website. Our value for this term is Perseverance.

Spring 1 2024

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Maths - We have started off this half term by continuing on with our fractions work. We have been looking at adding together fractions with different denominators and mixed number fractions. We have then stretched and challenged ourselves by looking at subtracting fractions with different denominators and mixed number fractions.

We are moving onto long multplication and short division and will be challenging ourselves with this. 

We have been really focusing on our times tables and consolidating our knowledge to help us with long multplication and short division. 

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English - In English, we have started on our new book of Skellig. We have been slowly reading through each chapter, trying to predict what might happen in the story and who the creature in the garage is. We have done some diary enteries for different days in Michael's life since he has moved into the new house. We have also done some roles on the walls of the different characters we have been introduced to so far.

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Science - In science, we have started our new topic on forces. We have been looking at what a force is and creating a defintion for it. We have followed this up by looking at gravity and we have experimented with newton metres to measure the amount of force that is given off by different objects due to the effect of gravity. 


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We have moved on our learning of forces and have looked at the force of friction. We performed an experiment looking at the different amount of friction caused when training to move an object across different surfaces 

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We have also looked at air resistance and have created paper helicopters to help us investigate the effect of air resistance on how quickly something falls. 

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Art - In art, we have started looking at work produced by the artist Peter Thorpe. This follows on from our science unit of last half term on space. So far we have used a variety of art materials to create our art work. 




History - In history this half term, we have looked at How Anglo-Saxon rule changed Britain. We have explored this in a variety of different ways. We have looked at Alfred the Great and discussed why he was thought to be great and what he did to protect the Anglo-Saxons from the Vikings. We have also looked at how religion changed in Britian during the Anglo-Saxon rule and paid particular focus to the Gosforth Cross. Finally, we have used our prior learning on the Anglo-Saxons and our workshop from the first half term, to help us with identifying the ways that the Anglo-Saxons kept law and order. 

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
