0161 368 2848



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Administration of Medicines

Guidance for Parents

Administration of Medicines in School.

At St George’s CE Primary School, we believe in upholding the health and welfare of all pupils. We also believe that all children have a right to be educated and should not be excluded purely as a result of requiring medication. Although school staff have a professional and legal duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils, the administration of medicine is ultimately the responsibility of parents/carers.


Neither the Headteacher nor any member of staff has a duty to administer medication. Participation in the administration of medicines in school is on a voluntary basis. Whilst every care will be taken in administering medicine, school cannot be held responsible for any failure to carry this out for whatever reason. School will not take any responsibility for any side effect resulting from the administration of medicine.

If your child is ill

Please send a note, or telephone school if your child is away for any reason. School should be notified by 9am on the first day of absence whenever possible. Parents/carers are advised that pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. 

 If a child has a temperature this means he/she has an active infection and should be off school. If he/she has diarrhoea or vomiting, he/she also needs to be off school.

Other medical problems requiring medication need to be discussed with school on an individual basis.

If your child has been prescribed new treatment by a GP, you are asked to keep the child at home and administer at least one full day’s treatment, to ensure that the child does not suffer any allergic reaction.

To help avoid unnecessary taking of medicines at school,

Parents/carers should be aware that a three times daily dosage can usually be spaced evenly throughout the day and does not have to be taken at lunchtime;  eg Antibiotics which need to be given three times a day can be given before school, at 3.30pm when the child goes home and then at bedtime ; or Parents/Carers can ask the family doctor if it is possible to adjust the medication to avoid school time doses.

Where occasionally this cannot be arranged, if a child needs a dose of medicine at lunchtime then, wherever possible, the parent/carer should come to school to administer the medicine.

Parents are asked to inform school of any long-term medical needs that their child may have. It may be necessary to complete a healthcare plan for any pupil with on-going medical needs. School need to be informed of changes to a child’s medication and any side effects so that they can be aware and support the child.

Labelling of medicines

Children should not bring medication into school themselves.

Medication which needs to be taken in school should be handed over by the parent/carer to a member of staff. Parents/carers MUST fill in a consent form available from the office.

All medication should be clearly labelled with

  • Name of child
  • Date of dispensing and expiry date.
  • Dose  
  • Storage instructions
  • Name of medicine

Non prescription medicine will only be administered in exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangements


Medication will be stored in a locked cupboard in the school office. Two people will administer medication so that one person is always the checker.

Administration of Medicine

 Staff who administer medication will consult the record form before any medication is given.  Before administering the medication, the volunteer member of staff will:

  • read the written instructions/parental consent for each child
  •  confirm the dosage/frequency on each occasion, and consult the medicine record form to ensure there will be no double dosing;
  •  be aware of symptoms which may require emergency action, e.g. those listed on an individual healthcare plan where one exists;
  • check that the medication belongs to the named pupil and is within the expiry date
  • record on the medication record form  all administration of medicines as soon as they are given

Children who suffer from asthma and need inhalers will keep them with the Class Teacher so they are readily available.

Children who are able to administer their own inhalers can do so.

All inhalers should be clearly labelled with

  • Name of child
  • Date of dispensing and expiry date.
  • Dose  
  • Storage instructions
  • Name of medicine

A printable version of this information can be found here.

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
