0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Stay and Play

Stay & Play is back!

We meet in the Nursery room on Thursdays from 8:45 to 10am. There is no charge, this is a free group.

We sing, read stories, play with toys and have snack time together. Parents, Grandparents and Carers are all welcome to come and enjoy this session for babies and pre-schoolers. It is a wonderful way to help get your child ready for Nursery and School.

Stay & Play Sessions - 2024-2025 

Thursday 20th March

We had a good group of children and parents on this beautiful day.  Playdough, sand, drawing and the floor toys were enjoyed by everyone!  One of the mums helped her boys to make the train track into an oval shape.  We had singing and our story was 'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs'.  The children joined in with the "Raaaaaaaaaaaghhhh"!  Our snack was banana, apple and satsumas.  Our hungry fruit loving children ate it all.  

Thursday 13th March

We had lots of activities today.  House play with babies, playdough, sand and the floor toys.  All the children moved around the room enjoying each activity.  We had singing and one little boy played a musical instrument as we sang.  Our sotory was 'Everybody is Happy'.  We had satsumas, apple and banana for snack.  The children were very hungry today and all the fruit got eaten which was good!

Thursday 6th March

We had threading, jigsaws, playdough, sand and drawing today.  There were floor toys that the children enjoyed too.  We had lots of mums and a grandma joined in too. We had singing and our story was 'Frog on a Log'.  Our snack was milk/water and satsumas and apples.  

Thursday 27th February

Sand play and colouring were very popular today as well as the purple play dough.  We sang nursery rhymes and had Jungle Race story which the children enjoyed.  We had satsumas and bananas for snack.

Thursday 13th February

We had a lovely morning. Lots of fun with playdough and floor toys.  One little girl enjoyed looking at Peppa Pig books.  We sang 'Wheels on the bus' and had a story about animals so we all made animal sounds along to it!  Our snack was banana, orange and apples.  They all enjoyed the fruit and it all was eaten.  We will see everyone after the holidays.  

Thursday 30th January 2025

We had lots of people at Stay & Play today.  Some new children and parents who had not been here before.  We had a birthday boy today so we all sang 'Happy Birthday'.  He was 2 years old.  We sang some nursery rhymes and had an eye spy book for storytime.  We had satsumas, pear and apple for snacks.  All the chlidren enjoyed the fruit and it went quickly!

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Thursday 23rd January 2025

The children really enjoyed the playdough today.  They made cakes and counted candles.  One little boy enjoyed the sand play with diggers and shells.  We sang 'Hickory Dickory Dock', 'Twinkle Twinkle' and '1,2,3,4,5, Once i caught a fish alive'.  Our story was Peppa Pig 'At the Zoo;.  We had satsumas, pears and apple for snack. 

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Thursday 16th January 2025

We had some lovely interactions with mums and children today.  The sand and the play house were the favourites.  We made spiders in the play dough too.  We sang 'Incy Wincy Spider' and 'Heads, shoulders, knees & toes'. Our story was 'Once upon a picnic'.  We had banana, apples and satsumas for snack.  All the fruit was eaten quickly today.  The children really enjoyed it.  

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Thursday 9th January 2025 - Welcome back!

We had a new little boy at Stay & Play today.  He seemed to enjoy himself as he cried when it was time to go home!  We had singing and our story was 'Puddle Playtime'.  We had bananas and apples for our snack. 

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Thursday 18th December

We had babies, toddlers and 3/4 year olds today.  Building towers, playdough and looking at books were the favourites.  We had 'Little bear and his scarf' for our story.  We sang nursery rhymes and then had two rounds of pass the parcel.  For snack we enjoued fruit and a gingerbread man.  We open again for Stay & Play on Thursday 9th January 2025.  Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year to everyone. 

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Thursday 5th December

The children had lots of activities today which they enjoyed.  Painting, play dough, water play, having picnics and the train tracks were their favourites.  We had lots of discussions about fruit and vegetables.  Our story was 'Spots first Christmas'. We sang Baa Baa Black Sheep and Jingles Bells.  All of the children toook a piece of fruit home with them.  We had milk and water with our oranges, pears and banana.

Next week will be our last Stay and Play of 2024.

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Thursday 28th November

We had ten chldren at Stay & Play this morning which was lovely.  The children enjoyed jigsaws and floor toys today.  We had 'Dear Zoo' as our story as some of the children enjoyed looking it at it with their mums.  We had milk, water and banana and pear and oranges for snack.  We sang some nursery rhymes.  We always say a prayer at snacktime and mums, dads and children join in with this.

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Thursday 21st November

We had a good group of mums and their children today.  Drawing, play dough and playing with the animals were the favourite things to do today.  Some of the mums read stories to their children.  One little boy really enjoys the 'Pete the cat' story.  He can more or less recite the story and colours by looking at the pictures.  We sang nursery rhymes which everybody joined in with and did the actions. We had milk, apples, banana and oranges for our snack.  Everyone took some of the fruit home to enjoy with their family.   

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Thursday 14th November

We had a great session with lots of children and parents. All played well together.  Mums were reading stories and building towers with their children and other children too.  Our story was 'That's not my teddy'. For snack we had pear, banana and satsumas with milk or water.  

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Thursday 7th November

A good group today with the children drawing with felt pens and crayons.  Play dough and the building blocks were also well used today.  Our story was 'Wow said the owl'.  Using the number tiles we sang 'Five little monkeys bouncing on the bed' and 'Heads and shoulders'. All the children enjoyed the actions with these songs.  For our snack we had milk, apple and satsumas. 

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Thursday 24th October 

A lovely group today with babies, toddlers and 3 year olds.  One of the babies was shown a photograph of herself and she smiled at it.  We had singing and our story was 'Brown bees, brown bear, what do you see?'.  For snack time we had milk, banana, apple and oranges.  

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Thursday 17th October 

Today our toddlers enjoyed colouring and drawing shapes.  Some of the children and mums used the playdough to make faces.  We sang 'Twinkle Twinkle, 5 speckled frogs and baa baa black sheep'.  Our story was 'Ten sleepy teddies'.  We had apple, pear and banana for snack. 

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Thursday 10th October 

We had a good mix of mums, dads and children today.  The children enjoyed the sand and painting.  One little boy counted 4 paintings which he had done.  We had banana, apple, orange and pear for snack. Our story was a Peppa Pig book called 'Puddle Playtime'.

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Thursday 3rd October 

We had a good group at Stay & Play today, playdough, sand and painting were the most enjoyed activities.  Our story was a classic, 'Dear Zoo'.  We sang nursery rhymes including: 'Incy Wincy', 'The Wheels on the Bus' and 'We all clap hands together'. We had tomatoes as well as bananas and satsumas for snack and the children drank milk or water. 

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Thursday 25th September 

We had jigsaw, books, painting and sand today which were very popular!  Two children were very good at sharing the cars and the garage, We had a nursery rhyme book to look at and sang some rhymes out of that. 

Our story was 'Guess how much i love you'.

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Thursday 19th September 2024 

We had a good group today with more new mums, dads and tots. Parents were happy talking to each other as well as joining in with their childrens activities.  We sang Heads & Shoulders and had another 'Spot' book.  Our snack was milk, water, bananas, apples and pears.

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Thursday 12th September 2024 - Welcome Back

We had some new children and parents join us this morning which was lovely.  We had playdoh, sand, cars and painting today.  Some of the very young children enjoyed the sounds of the instruments - banging the tambourine was a favourite and we had a lovely teethy smiles! We had a 'Spot' story.  We sang 'Twinkle Twinkle, Heads & Shoulders and Baa Baa Black Sheep'.  Our snack was milk, water, apples, pears and bananas which all the children enjoyed.  

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Stay & Play Sessions - 2023-2024

Thursday 18th July 2024

We had 10 children at Stay & Play today.  We went down near the Eco area for a picnic party.  The children enjoyed the play area and the picnic.  We had fruit, buns, gingerbread men, chocolate fingers and an ice lolly to go home with.  A lovely morning which everyone enjoyed.  A big thanks to Claire for helping with the sessions all year. 

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Thursday 11th July 2024

We had some new children today which was lovely.  The outdoors was open but nobody usd it today.  The children played with sand, cars and did painting.  Next week is our last Stay & Play of this school year!

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Thursday 4th July 2024

There were lots of activities available today, inside and outside.  We had sand, playdough, painting, jigsaws and musical instruments.  Our story was 'Happy Birthday Maisie' and we sang nursery rhymes.  Our snack was apples and bananas and satsumas.  The fruit soon went, we have some very good fruit eaters!

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Thursday 27th June 2024

We had ten children at Stay & Play today. They all liked to do some sticking and colouring as well as playing with the railway track and bricks.  We had singing and our story was 'Ten little Monkeys', we counted them down on our fingers! We had bananas, apples & satsumas for snack time. 

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Thursday 20th June 2024

We had a larger group of children and parents today.  The outside was open and there was drawing, painting, sand and floor toys inside.  We had singing and story time. Our snacks today were oranges, apples and bananas.  All the parents were invited to the Hyde Park picnic on Saturday. 

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Thursday 23rd May 2024

We had a good group of mums and children again today.  We had jigsaws, books and playdough.  Painting and bricks were very popular today.  Our story was 'The Selfish Crocodile'.  We sang 'Incy Wincy Spider; which was very apt for the rainy day!  We had a birthday too, the mum brought fruit and cake.  The children all got to take some home. 

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Thursday 16th May 2024

We had alot of children today.  Everyone played well and the mums had a chat while watching their children.  We had a 1st birthday today.  Mishkat was 1 year old and she has been coming since being a babe in arms.  Mishkat's mum brought strawberries, blueberries and oranges for snack and also a chocolate bar for the children to take home.  We all sang happy birthday and then played outside as the weather was perfect. 

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Thursday 9th May 2024

We had 9 children at Stay & Play today.  We opened the outdoors so they could climb into the treehouse.  We played football too.  We had painting, dough, threading and bricks.  The children played very well together.  We had banana, tomatoes and oranges for snack. 

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Thursday 2nd May 2024

We had some new children at Stay & Play today. The children played well together in the sand and playdough, sharing the equipment. Lots of different activities were accessed by the children, painting, playdough, drawing, jigsaws, building blocks and musical instruments.  We had singing and our story was 'When I grow up'.  We had tomatoes, satsumas, apples and oranges today. 

Thursday 25th April 2024

We had another good group at Stay & Play today.  Mums and children interacted with each other really well. Three of the children are coming to our nursery in September.  We had singing and 'Pete the cat' for our story. Our snack today was tomatoes, pear and banana, one of the babies tried tomatoes and enjoyed it!

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Thursday 18th April 2024

We had a good group of children today, all ages too.  The children played with building blocks and playdough and enjoyed painting.  We sang songs and had a story with animals and colourful pictures.  Our snack was apples, satsumas and banana. 

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Thursday 28th March 2024

We had playdough, sand and Easter templates to draw round.  The large bricks on the floor were well used today.  Our story was 'What should we eat?'. We had nursery rhymes, 'Chick chick chicken lay a little egg for me', '5 little ducks' and 'I'm a little teapot;.  We had satsumas and pear for snack and all of the children drank milk.  

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Thursday 21st March 2024

We had 6 children at Stay & Play today.  We did lots of activities today.  We drew around easter templates of chicks, rabbits and eggs.There were jigsaws completed and lots of fun with the playdough.  We had 'Flashing Fire Engines' for our story action rhymes ' Heads & Shoulders' and '5 little ducks'.  Our snack was banana, pear, tangerines and milk.

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Thursday 14th March 2024

A lovely Stay & Play session this morning.  The children played with the sand and cars and did painting.  One of the babies is standing up now and trying to walk.  We had satsumas, bananas and milk for our snack. 

Our story was 'That's not my Tiger'. We also sang nursery rhymes and did the actions.

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Thursday 7th March 2024

We had books, playdough, cars and bricks which the children enjoyed today. We sang some action rhymes.  Our story was 'Keith the cat with the magic hat'.  We all ate our snacks which were milk, water, bananas and satsumas today.  

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Thursday 29th  February 2024

The children enjoyed the playdough again today. We had a new little boy who is going to bring his baby sister next week too. We sang nursery rhymes and had apples, banana and milk for snack. 

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Thursday 22nd February 2024

The children enjoyed playdough, drawing and building towers with bricks today.  The mums are getting on so well and making friendships too.  

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Thursday 8th February 2024

We had books which the children enjoyed and we sang nursery ryhmes as they pointed to pictures.  We had apples and milk for our snack.

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Thursday 1st February 2024

We had a good group today.  The railway track and trains were played with by 2 boys who were sitting next to each other.  The mums were having a good chat and talking about the measles vaccine for children.  Their children had already had theirs.  We had 'Maisy's Birthday' for our story.  We sang action rhymes including 'Incy Windy Spider', 'Heads & Shoulders' and 'Twinkle Twinke Little Star'.  We had satsumas and apples for snack. 

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Thursday 25th January 2024

We had a new little boy today who had just started walking.  He toddled around wanting to explore everywhere.  Playdough, bricks and sand were popular today.  We had 'Hickory Dickory Dog' for our story and apples, satsumas and milk for snack. 



Thursday 18th January 2024

We had playdough and sand out today, the cars and garage were very popular too.  One little boy enjoyed ironing, putting clothes in the washing machine and hanging them out to dry!  We read a storybook 'The noisy way bed' with animal sounds and enjoyed a touch and feel nursery rhyme book. We had apple and banana for snack with milk. 

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Thursday 11th January 2024

Welcome back! We had a good group today.  The children enjoyed playing in the sand, play dough and racing cars down the track!  We had 'Fireman Piggy Wiggy' for story.  We sang some nursery rhymes then had snack.  We had bananas and apple with milk.  

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Thursday 14th December

This is the last Stay & Play for this year.  We will be back open again on Thursday 11th January 2024.  

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and New Year for 2024. Have a lovely time with your children. 

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Thursday 7th December

We were a bit low on the ground today but we all had a good chat and the children played very happily.  We had banana for snack. 

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Thursday 30th November

We had mums and tots and babies today.  We had a sister who came with a toddler and a baby.  The sister's both attended St George's School.  It was great to see them.  We had instruments at singing time and our story was 'That's not my bunny'.  We had bananas for snack. It was a lovely busy morning. 

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Thursday 23rd November

The children enjoyed playing with musical instruments, building with bricks and colouring today. We sang some action nursery rhymes and our story was 'A busy day for birds'.  We had bananas, apples and tangerines for snack and all the children drank milk.

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Thursday 16th November

We had a large group at Stay & Play today which was lovely. Mums sat on the carpet with toddlers and babies to have a chat as the children played musical instruments and played with cars.  We sang some songs and our story was 'Leaf Trouble'.  We talked about the leaves falling off the trees and Autumn time.  For our snack we had apple, banana and pears.

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Thursday 9th November

We had some more children today which was lovely.  They enjoyed musical instruments, cars and sand play.  We had a story and we sang some action rhymes which all the mums and the children joined in.  We had satsumas, apple and banana for our snack which all the children tried. 

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Thursday 2nd November

We had a quiet morning but the children who were there had a lovely time playing in the sand.  We made sandcastles and sand moulds of sea horses and shells.  We lined shells and pebbles up and talked about how big or how small they were and how rough or smooth each one was.  We had banana and apple for snack. 

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Thursday 19th October

We had some new children today.  Cars, trains and house play were the favourite activities today.  We sang action songs and then we read a 'jungle sounds' book with animals as props to the story.  We had pears and tangerines for snack.  Even the baby had some orange juice, it was their first taste! A lovely morning.  

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Thursday 12th October

We had a new little girl join us with her mum today.  Colour matching, jigsaws and making cups of tea were the favourite activities today.  We had nursery rhyme book so sang songs with pictures from the book.  We had bananas and pear for snack which they all enjoyed!

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Thursday 5th October

The children played with various toys today. Two children built a train track together and then went to play in the sand and interacted well. We sang ' The wheels on the bus' and read a story. 

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Thursday 28th September

We had a new little boy start with us today. He enjoyed the cars and the water play.  Threading, jigsaws and cars were used alot.  We sang songs, had apples and bananas for snack and the grown-ups had tea and coffee.

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Thursday 20th September

The children enjoyed playing in sand and water today.  One little boy put a few inset boards together. We sang nursery rhymes and had a story 'The Tickle Book'.  There were squeals of laughter as the children were tickled!

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Thursday 14th September

We had some new children start today which was lovely. Our story was 'Goat goes to Playgroup' and we sang a few action songs.  The children enjoyed playing with the sand and water and the cars. 

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Thursday 7th September

Welcome back everyone.  We had a lovely morning with a 4 month old baby joining us with a number of toddlers.  We had singing and storytime and bananas and satsumas for snack.  

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Stay & Play Sessions - 2022-2023

Thursday 20th July Thursday 7th September

We had indoors and outdoor play today.  We had a few children who will be starting in September.  At snack time we had sandwiches, crisps and fruit followed by cake and ice lollies.  This was our last Stay & Play for the year.  We will be back in September. 

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Thursday 13th July

The children played outside until it started to rain, then the bricks and cars were the popular toys today.  We sang songs, read a story and had tangerines, apples and bananas for snack.  

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Thursday 6th July

The children enjoyed the outdoor area and the cars on the floor.  Water play was quite a favourite too.  Ducks, frogs and fish were splashed into the water!!  We had fruit for snack, sang 'Old McDonald' and read' Happy Birthday Maisie'.

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Thursday 29th June

The children enjoyed playing with the house play and the animals.  The outside was open sp some children and parents usd the play house for climbing and playing hide & seek.  We sang nursery rhymes along with musical instruments.  We also sang happy birthday to one of our children who will be 3 tomorrow. 

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Thursday 22nd June

We had a good group of children and parents today.  Some new children came who are starting nursery in September.  Both the outside and the inside was used today as the weather was so good. The children enjoyed playing with water, house play and looking at books. We sang nursery rhymes and our story was 'Barry the fish with fingers'. We had bananas and tangerines for snack. 

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Thursday 15th June

We had a number of children today who are starting Nursery in September.  We sang lots of nursery rhymes with actions, the children did lots of lovely singing.  Our story was 'Hooray for fish!' and we had bananas and oranges for snack. 

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Thursday 25th May 

We had an ex-pupil bring her little girl today and her sister in law came with  her little girl too. We had a mum with a baby so we had a great group of mums, dads and children today.  We sang 'Heads & Shoulders', 'Twinkle Twinkle' and a clapping song.  Our story was 'Errol's Garden'.  We had pear, apple and oranges for snack.

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Thursday 18th May 

The children played outside today in the sunshine.  They enjoyed climbing and running.  One little boy could point to all the shapes and name them.  We sang 'Heads & Shoulders', 'Twinkle Twinkle' and a clapping and stamping song.  We had banana and oranges for snack.  

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Thursday 11th May 

The train track was the favourite toy today along with the house play.  Our story was 'Goat goes to playgroup'.  We did some singing with the musical instruments.  The tambourine was shaken to 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' and the bells accompanied 'The Wheels on the Bus'.  We had apples and satsumas for snack. 

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Thursday 4th May 

One of the dads was reading to his son as his son was doing an inset board.  The little boy was more chatty today.  He starts nursery in September.  We sang 'Baa baa black sheep' which is his favourite song.  We looked at a Peppa Pig book and we discussed the animals in the story.

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Thursday 27th April 

We had 2 new children today at Stay & Play which was lovely.  The children enjoyed playing together in the music area and with the bricks.  We sang a few nursery rhymes and had a story to finish off the session.

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Thursday 20th April 

The children played mostly in the sand today.  We read the 'Jungle Story' and had satsumas and pears for snack. 

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Thursday 30th March 

The children had a blast playing with the musical instruments today.  We had oranges and banana for snack and the children joined in with the actions when we sang our songs.

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Thursday 23rd March 

Sand and painting were very popular today.  We had a power cut this morning but the children carried on playing in the dark!  We sang some nursery rhymes and action songs and had banana, pear and apple for snack.

Thursday 16th March 

The children enjoyed playing with sticklebricks, making cups of tea and drawing today.  We sang 3 nursery rhymes which all the children joined in with.  We had milk and pears for snacks. 

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Thursday 9th March 

One little boy enjoyed playing Hide & Seek with his mum.  Sand play and jigsaws were very popular today.  We had an all boy session this morning! We read ' That's not my tractor' for our storytime and used musical instruments as we sang today too. 

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Thursday 2nd March 

The children enjoyed the sand and looking at books.  One little girl sang 'Pete the Cat song' pretending to be the teacher.  The mums enjoyed the play dough! They asked for the recipe.   

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Thursday 16th  February

We sang lots of nursery rhymes today including 'Five little ducks' and our story was 'Happy birthday Maisie'.  Water play, cars and garages and the house play were enjoyed today.  We had satsumas and apples for snack with milk or water. 

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Thursday 9th  February

We sang nursery rhymes and counting rhymes.  The house play area was very popular today.  The children were making cups of tea and ironing. 

We had satsumas, pear and apple for snack. 

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Thursday 2nd February

We had a new little girl start today with her mum.  She really enjoyed the pears we had for snack.  There was a varied age range from 18 months to 3 years old in the group.  We sang 'Heads and Shoulders' and 'Baa baa black sheep'. Our story was 'My dad is fantastic'.  All the children took a piece of fruit home.  

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Thursday 26th January 

One of our childminders who brings three children got very engrossed in the sand today.  The children played really well, filling buckets, using the shells and chattering about sand shapes.  We had 'A busy day for birds' story and sang nursery rhymes.

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Thursday 19th January 

We had a really good group of children and parents/carers today.  The children played various activities.  We sang 'Heads and Shoulders', and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.  The story of the day was 'Peppa's new neighbours'.  We had oranges, pears and apples for our snack. 

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Thursday 12th January 2023 - Welcome back!

We had our first session of Stay & Play in 2023! It was lovely to be back and catch up with all of our families.

The children were all similar ages today, 18 months - 2.5 years old.  They played with various toys including sand, cars and dough.  We had 'Peppa pig goes swimming' story and we sang some songs and did the actions. It was lovely to be back.

Thursday 15th December

We had a party for the children today.  We had sandwiches, crisps and a gingerbread man biscuit.  They all took home a candy stick and some fruit.  We had a story 'The First Christmas; and we played 'pass the parcel' to christmas music. That was our last Stay & Play now til 2023, see you all in January!


Thursday 8th December

We only had two children today, perhaps due to the cold and frosty weather.  It's party day next week!

Thursday 1st December

The children enjoyed playing with the camera and the toy phone. We sang 3 nursery rhymes and had a story with apples for snack.

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Thursday 24th November

Our Stay & Play children enjoyed playing with the farm and the farm animals today, we even made animal noises!  We had a story and a a little girl came out to turn the pages. We sang songs and had apple, banana and pear for snack. They are all good fruit eaters!


Thursday 16th November

Playdough and the train track were favourite activities today.  We had musical instruments at singing time and 'Kiss Goodnight Sam' for storytime.  We had orange, peas and apples for snack.

Thursday 10th November

The children enjoyed playing with the animals and building towers today.  We had bananas, oranges and pears again for snacks and we said our prayer before we ate them.  Our story was "Down in the woods at sleeptime".  

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Thursday 3rd November

We had lots of children with parents this week which was great!  We sand nursery rhymes and the 'fluffy kitten' story. We had apples, pears or oranges for snacks and all of the children ate lots of it.

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Thursday 20th October

Our story today was "Wow said the owl".  It was a book a bout colours. We sang The wheels on the bus song, twinkle twinkle and other nursery rhymes.  Drawing and playing in the sand were the favourites this morning.

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Thursday 13th October

We had a good group today, mainly toddlers.  The sand was very popular.  So good to see dads and carers coming with their children as well as their mums too.  We sang nursery rhymes.  Our story was 'Spots busy day!'  We said a prayer before we had snack.  The children enjoed banana, satsumas and pears today.

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Thursday 6th October

We had a good group of mums, dads, carers and children today!  We had 'Pete the cat' for story.  We sang about Pete's coloured shoes and everyone joined in.  One parent said that her little boy says prayers at mealtimes now like we do at Stay & Play.  

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Thursday 29th September

We had a good group of mixed ages today, babies, toddlers and older children.  Playdough was very popular today.  We had singing and storytime.  We made all the animals sounds from the book and counted all the animals on the pages.  We had apples and bananas for snacks.

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Thursday 22nd September

We had a full room of mums, dads and carers this morning, the children played inside and out.We had some new children and parents.  The children mixed well and enjoyed playing with cars and the house.  We sang "ten little fingers and ten little toes".

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Thursday 15th September

We had a good group of mums, dads and carers this week.  The children enjoyed the play dough and get wet in the water tray.  We had singing "wind the bobbin up" and "5 little speckled frogs".  Everyone joined in.  Our story was 'Goat goes to Playgroup'. We had an array of colour for our snack, red tomatoes, green pears and orange carrots.  

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Thursday 8th September

We had 10 parents with children today.  A Brilliant start to our new term.  We had some apples for snacks which were picked in our school orchard on Wednesday.  The children and parents said they were sweet and tasty.

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Stay & Play Sessions - 2021-2022

Thursday 21st July

We had a lovely last end of term morning.  We even had an ex-pupil come tp help with his mum today.  We had our drinks and fruit, but then ended with ice lollies which everyone enjoyed.  The children also had a card to thank them for coming to Stay & Play which the Wednesday ladies group had made.

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Thursday 14th July

Most of the children played outside today.  They enjoyed pushing the wheelbarrow with the bark in it.  We are encouraging the children to eat fruit and drink milk or water at snacktime.

Thursday 7th July

Another group of mixed ages today.  Some children who are going to our nursery came today.  We had indoors and outdoors open.  We played with playdough making caterpillas and had an amazing array of books for children.  We read the "The Crunching Munching Caterpillas" for storytime.


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Thursday 30th June

We played inside and outside this morning.  We also had a birthday boy who was 2 years old so we sang "Happy Birthday" to Zach.

Thursday 23rd June

We had the outside open as well as inside.  A lotof children enjoyed playing in the outdoor area today.  It was a lovely warm morning.

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Thursday 16th June

We had lots of new children today, as children who are starting Nursery in September were invited with their parents.  We had the inside and outside open as it was a lovely morning!

Thursday 26th May

We had a group of mums and tots today who are getting on really well.  Children are playing with each other and enjoying lots of activities. Mums are having a chat and the children are not as clingy as they were.

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Thursday 12th May

We had a new child start today and he settled in really well.  It's lovely to see the mums and dads interacting with the children and also having a chat with each other sitting on the carpet.

Thursday 5th May

We had lots of mums and dads and tots today at Stay & Play.  It was great to see so many children playing alongside each other and sharing toys.

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Thursday 28th April

We played with water, sand and paints today.  One little boy enjoyed the zoo and another boy was building with the blocks. Mums said it was really good to be back.

Thursday 24th March

We had 3 new babies at Stay & Play today.  The children enjoyed the sand and looking at books.  The babies were on the carpet with soft toys.

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Thursday 17th March

We had more children and parents today.  Play dough with coffee beans was the favourite activity.  Singing and stories followed and lots of fruit was eaten today.

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Thursday 10th March

We had another baby join our group group today.  Some children are feeling very safe and secure and leaving their mums side now to go and play.  We had a story about the dentist and a big set of teeth and toothbrush so we could practise brushing teeth. 

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Thursday 3rd March

We had a dinosaur story and we did some songs with actions.  Parents and children joined in too.  We had pieces of apple, pear and tangerines for our snack.

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Thursday 17th February

The children were just happy playing with all the toys this morning. They ate gingerbread men and fruit for snack time.

Thursday 10th February

We played musical instruments and enjoyed looking at books today.

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Thursday 3rd February

The children enjoyed playing with the animals and making music with the instruments. We sang 5 little speckled frogs and 'walking through the jungle' story. 


Thursday 27th January 

We had a new little boy who started coming today which was lovely.  We sang 'Incy Wincy Spider' and had a story 'Walters Wonderful Web'.  We looked at shapes which Walter spun for his webs.

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Thursday 20th January 

The children settled back into meeting their friends again.  Building towers and playing in the sand were the favourite activities of the day.

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Thursday 16th December - Christmas Party Day!

Our Stay & Play families had their Christmas party yesterday.  There were games of pass the parcel and lots of party food and everybody had a fun festive time! 

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Thursday 2nd December

We had musical instruments to sing along to today, with the Spot Storybook being read to the children.

The children enjoyed lots of delicious fruit as snacks.

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Thursday 11th November

Mums and dads had a good chat as their children were engrossed in their play.  Jigsaws, animals, cars and musical instruments were the favourites today.  We sang and told stories to finish the session.

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Thursday 21st October

We had a lovely session with mums and dads interacting while their children play. 

One little boy who was very shy to start with has now settled in very well.

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7th October

Another lovely Stay & Play session. Including mums dads, babies & toddlers.

The children were playing so well together. The mums and dads even joined in with the singing today.

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16th September

We had a lot of new families come and join us for our first session back. It was wonderful to see everybody.

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
