Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and Inclusion information
Local Authority SEND information
At St George’s we are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that we are an inclusive school with the needs of pupils with SEND being met within our mainstream setting wherever possible.
The Local Authority has produced a Local Offer which sets out what’s ordinarily available in mainstream schools within Tameside and what provision we are expected to offer.
Further information of the Tameside’s Local Offer is available on their website.
Further information on our school's provision is available in our school offer. Link to School Offer
Inclusion at St George’s
At St George’s, we have an Inclusion Team that works together to support children with SEND, EAL, behaviour difficulties, social difficulties and a range of other learning needs within the school. The team includes the people listed below as well as many teaching assistants and outside agencies.
Mrs F McKeown – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs N Hewitt – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Coley - SENCo
Mrs A Oldham – Assistant SENCo
Mrs F McKeown – Learning Mentor, CAF champion
Our SENCO is Mrs Sarah Coley, 0161 368 2848, if you wish to contact her.
Our SEN Governor is Mrs Alison Oldham
For more information on our SEN offer click here
Information and websites to support parents and carers of children with SEND
The SENDIASS (Formerly Parent Partnership) supports parents of children with SEN and Disability
Tameside Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
Jubilee Gardens
Gardenfold Way
M43 7XU
Tel: 0161 342 3383