0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Meet the Governors


Mark Tomlinson

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Hello, my name is Mark Tomlinson and I am the Chair of Governors.

I have been a governor at another local primary school for more than 20 years, having been chair of governors for 8 years and chair of the learning & teaching committee for more than 10 years.  I am married to Helen, live locally and my two step-children attended St. Georges a few years ago now.I have been a self-employed children’s worker for more than 20 years supporting primary schools with assemblies and RE lessons and am the children’s worker at St. Mary’s Parish Church in Cheadle.

I am passionate about God, the Bible, teaching children about the Bible, walking our black Cocker Spaniel, sport and photography.

I am excited about my new role at St. George’s and being able to do all I can to support Mrs Hewitt and all the staff as well as facilitating the children in fulfilling their full potential and understanding faith better. I am personally committed to the Christian values of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Friendship, Hope, Thankfulness and Truthfulness.

God Bless


Nicola Hewitt
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My name is Nicola Hewitt and I am very proud to be the Headteacher of St George’s CE Primary School.

Before I became Headteacher, I taught in two other schools and then became deputy headteacher at St George’s. I have been at this school for over 15 years, so I know the school and its families very well and have a good understanding of our school community. I have also lived in Hyde all my life, so I am very familiar with the local community. I am a practising member of Hyde Central Methodist Church and have enjoyed worshipping there with some of our families in school over the years.

I am looking forward to working with the Governors to ensure that we provide the best teaching and learning we can for all of our children at St George’s. I also want to ensure that through providing the best quality education we live out our school vision, ‘let all that you do be done in love’ which comes from the verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 16:14

In school I love singing and think music is really important for all children. I also love art and enjoy drawing, painting and making things with the children. I run the Junior Leadership team, making strategic decisions for the school, and the Ethos Group, along with Mrs McKeown and Mrs Coley, which is a really important group in helping our school to be a place where children 'love to learn and learn to love'. 

Barbara Hollington

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Hello, my name is Barbara Hollington and I am a Foundation Governor.

I am very proud to be a Governor of St George's School because of its educational standards, Christian ethos and the way all the staff make all the children feel special and important.

I have strong connections with the school and the church. My two children went to st George's school from the age of 4 in the Nursery through to Year 6 and enjoyed their time there. My husband and I are licenced lay ministers at the Church and have been for nearly 30 years.

I am a retired teacher and it is wonderful to still be connected with education and children and to see how they progress through the school and grow in confidence and stature due to the nurturing environment of the school.

Alison Oldham

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Hello my name is Alison Oldham and I am an Associate Governor. 

I have two children who both attended St. George’s Primary School so I understand the strong ethos of the school both as a parent and an employee.  

I volunteered at school before deciding to re-train over 10 years ago.  I come from an administrative background and this has helped in in many aspects of my role, especially for the paperwork and organisational skills required for my role as School Business Manager . I have a particular interest in children with Special Educational Needs and was fortunate to recently study Specific Learning Difficulties at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Having been appointed as a staff governor, I consider one of my key roles is to provide a link between staff and governors, as well as giving a staff perspective on issues raised.  

I enjoy having the opportunity to be able to take an active role in the support, development and the on-going challenges of raising standards.

Fiona McKeown

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My name is Fiona McKeown and I am an Associate Member.

I have worked at St George’s for nearly 10 years as a Learning Mentor and now as a Pastoral Manager. This involves supporting children, staff and families. Part of the role  includes  monitoring attendance and safeguarding.

My own two children came to St George’s so I have been involved with the school for twenty years and I care about it very deeply.

It is a privilege to serve on the Governing Board as an associate governor and it a pleasure to see how the school has grown in its purpose and vision and to be a part of that.

Lil Shen

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Hello, my name is Lil Shen, and I am one of the Parent Governors at St George's School.

I have lived in Hyde most of my life and have two girls, my eldest is currently attending St George's.  

As a parent and a member of the Hyde community I am very excited to be involved in the governance of this fantastic school and will work with fellow governors and great staff to help ensure the school keeps on delivering its objectives and maintains its high standard of education, learning and core values.  

I have been working as an accountant for over 15 years and I hope to bring some of my skillset to the role of the parent governor. I also am a great admirer of the teaching profession and believe great schools are the foundations of society. They help instil values, creativity, and passion for learning in children so that they can in turn make our society a better place for us all.  

Love to learn and learn to love!! 

Janet Rathburn

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Hello, my name is Janet Rathburn and I am a Foundation Governor. 

I am very pleased to be a Governor at St George’s because of its Christian ethos and the high standards it promotes for all its pupils.

I was a teacher for 43 years until I retired 4 years ago. I was the Head Teacher at Dowson Primary School for 17 years and did a lot of work with other schools in Hyde including St George’s, so I already know what a good school it is.

I am passionate about education especially Early Years and also about working with families.  Although I have retired, I think I still have a lot of experience and enthusiasm to offer St George’s and look forward to working with Mrs Hewitt and the staff team to make St George’s an even better place to learn.

I have been a Governor in a number of schools both Primary and Secondary for many years and I love being involved in the life of a school.

I am married with 2 grownup daughters and a young granddaughter who keeps me on my toes! I love gardening reading, going on holiday to Scotland and for trips in our campervan.

I love going to my own church and being involved in activities there.

Kelly Wood

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My name is Kelly and I have recently been appointed as a Foundation Governor at St George’s after I was asked to apply for the post.

I am a practising member of St George's Church and my daughter also attends St George's school, therefore I am thoroughly invested in the ethos of the school and the community within Hyde.

I know the education system well, as I'm a primary school teacher and therefore I am knowledgable about current educational issues and the pedagogy of teaching. I believe I can offer support and challenge. I am passionate about ensuring children have access to a  high quality education and I look forward to supporting the school in anyway I can.


Abdul Ahad

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Hello my name is Abdul Ahad and I am a Parent Governor. 

My name is Abdul Ahad and I am a parent governor. I have lived in Hyde all my life. I have worked at the local post office for over 23 years now and am a prominent member of the local community. Education is the foundation of the future of our children, therefore I look forward to being a productive member of the team in helping St George’s vision of being a centre of excellence in nurturing our future generations. 

Julie Overton

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Hello. My name is Julie Overton and I am a Foundation Governor.

My three now-grown children thrived during their time at St Georges, and I am very pleased to act as a governor.

I am a practising member at Hyde Central Methodist church, where I am a steward and council secretary. I currently work for a large bank where I manage infrastructure, and previously I spent 16 years working as a Life Assurance underwriter.

I look forward to being reunited with St Georges, supporting the staff, and helping the children to achieve their ambitions.

Sarah Coley

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Hello, my name is Sarah Coley and I am an Associate Member. 

I have worked at St George’s for eight years and am proud to be part of this school. I have taught at a variety of other schools and across the primary age range, though have a passion for Early Years and helping young children to develop and succeed. 

I feel privileged to be part of the Governing Body, to play a part in ensuring we continue to live out our vision ‘Let all that you do be done in Love’ and an active role in developing the school moving forwards.

Jeremy Bentliffe

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Hello, my name is Jeremy Bentliffe and I am a Foundation Governor. 

I've been vicar at St Georges since June 2018. I have lived in the North West for 25 years. My background is working in Council Housing. My wife is from Northern Ireland- I am a keen musician and we have 2 grown up boys living with us at the vicarage. 




Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
