Wake Up Wednesday!
Wake Up Wednesday!
Run by myself, Mrs Ratcliffe, the group meets on a Wednesday morning in the Nursery room from 8:45 to 11am. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends and try different activities.
Last year our group did lots of varied activities which included arts and crafts, gardening, trips to Ashton MIND cafe and Portland Basin on the bus.
We also travelled to Manchester on the train and tram even did a bit of shopping in Primark! When the weather was nice we had had some lovely walks along the canal and been down to the river and fed the ducks.
The group really enjoyed the outings and it was also a lovely chance to get together for a chat while having a coffee and a biscuit.
Some of the activities are good for helping with spelling and English language, they are not only having fun and enjoyment, but building their confidence too!
Please come along and join us next Wednesday!
Wake Up Wednesday sessions 2024-2025
Wednesday 26th February 2025
We all met up this morning and some ladies brought dates, cake rusk and sweets for us to try from Bangladesh. One of the ladies made pastries with coconut and dates inside which were very good. We did a Time Line exercise this morning. Writing down things in our life. Names, families, favourite foods, places we have visited etc. and then talked about it. There were good discussions from this.
Wednesday 12th February - End of term.
We had drinks and biscuits and lots of chatter and laughter this morning. One of the ladies asked if we were going for a walk. We got our coats on and walked down Woodend Lane. We walked past Providence Mill which is closing down. We were going in but they didn't open until 10am!! We carried on over the bridge and onto Croft Street. Some ladies decided to go on to Asda and some ladies were going to a Bangladeshi meeting. It started to rain so we came back to school. We will meet up again after the holidays.
Wednesday 5th February 2025
We did an activity/art session this morning at St George's church hall. We had a talk first from an ex-policeman who is now retired. He said how lots of crime is not reported because people tend to be not confident enough. Only 6-10 incidents are reported to Tameside each week!! Victims or witnesses should report to police 999 or the non emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Our local police officer for Hyde is Mr Carl Jackson. We all had a good time creating works of art.
Wednesday 29th January 2025
We had drinks & biscuits and then we decided to go for a walk. It was cold but sunny. We went up to Gee Cross and on to Stockport Road where we went in the little Tesco. Some shopping was purchased and everyone had a good look around. We then headed back to school. We are having a craft day next week - Wednesday 5th February in the hall at St Georges church. It starts at 10am. There will be craft activities and snacks, all are welcome.
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
The ladies came this morning and we walked down to the Heavenly Diner on Market Street. There was a big group of us today and we filled the diner. A beautiful cafe which only opened at the beginning of January. It is a very large and varied menu. The ladies ordered food and drinks. It was all very well presented and served. All the ladies enjoyed it in there. There is also a diner lower down called 'My Back Home Chai' where Rizwan, who was on Masterchef works. Rizwan is an ex pupil of St George's.
Wednesday 15th January 2025
We had drinks and biscuits and fruit to start with this morning. I reminded the ladies about the Computer Course that starts on Monday morning.
One of the ladies brought in some knitting needles and wool. I cast some stitches on for her and sheis going to practise knitting some rows for next week. We set off for a walk and the ladies asked if we could go down to Aldi. We walked down Great Norbury Street and they did some shopping. We all walked back together. Next week they want to go to a Bangladeshi cafe together which has just opened on Market Street.
Wednesday 8th January 2025 - Welcome back!
We had a visitor speaker today. Dr Rod Waddington from the Safe Space Wellbeing Lab at St George's Church Stalybridge joined us. He spoke about mental health, wellbeing, depression & anxiety. He told us about how our brain works and how we process things using our 5 senses. It was a very informative morning.
Anyone can attend the sessions they run on Tuesdays 8:30 to 2:00pm. They offer CBT Therapy and counselling.
Wednesday 18th December 2024
We all met up this morning. It was a rainy one but we decided to go to the cafe in Morrisons for tea and toast. We all got quite wet but we soon got to Morrisons. One of the ladies said it was her birthday so we sang Happy Birthday to her. She brought some cakes for us to share which was very kind. We walked back in the dry after some of the ladies had done some shopping. We will all meet up again in the New Year, 2025!!
Wednesday 11th December 2024
This morning there was a lot of chatter and laughter as we had our drinks and biscuits. We discussed the IT course which starts on Monday 13th January 2025, quite a lot of ladies were interested in this. One of the ladies asked some of us who were left at the end to go up to her house. The ladies have built up such wonderful friendships. They wanted photos taken of us and and also a photo of myself with a lovely Christmas bag of gifts which they gave, and a beautiful card. Such kindness and thoughtfulness was quite overwhelming. Thank you to each and everyone of you. As they call themselves "lovlely ladies" they are right!!
Wednesday 4th December 2024
We all had drinks and biscuits. There was alot of chatter and laughter this morning. We made snowflakes by folding and cutting circles of paper. The ladies had a great time, showing each other their creations and then hanging them up in nursery.
Wednesday 27th November 2024
The ladies arrived on a cold crisp morning and they chatted while having a drink and a biscuit. We decided to go for a walk into Hyde. We walked past the library but it was closed. We looked at the Town Hall lit up with Christmas lights and the tree. We had Tahin with us (who is 3 years old), he was pointing at the lights and the tree. We went into the mall with another tree and lights all the down the mall. The ladies did some shopping then we walked back.
Wednesday 20th November 2024
We had a good number of ladies turn up today. A nice hot drink of tea and coffee was most enjoyed on this cold and frosty morning. One of the ladies made some jam/coconut sponge for us all which was very tasty. We did some wordsearches today. They all had a good chat. One lady said that her son 'Rizwan' who was on Masterchef is opening a takeaway in Hyde. Well done Rizwan and congratulations. We hope it all goes well. Rizwan is an ex-pupil of St Georges.
Wednesday 13th November 2024
We went on the bus to Vernon Park in Stockport this morning. We went into the Yew Maze and saw the huge Yew tree in the middle. We then walked through some huge leaves to the duck pond. It is quite hilly in Vernon Park, we walked up the hill on some old cobbles and under a bridge. The lovely community cafe was round the corner. We had a sit down and some ladies had coffees and toast. The lady and her volunteers who run the cafe had a chat with us. They told us about different activities that go on there (see photos). They also have a Facebook page - 'Vernon Park Cafe'. We then walked downhill to go for the bus back to Hyde. A lovely crisp, cold day for a walk in the park.
Wednesday 6th November 2024
Mahmuda came from Diversity Matters today with a questionnaire for the ladies to fill in. The questionnaire was mainly about what Diversity Matters offers and do they know where to go to for help.
Wednesday 23rd October 2024
All the ladies went to the Harvest Service in church this morning. Some ladies said it would be their childs last Harvest Service at St George's as they were in Year 6. It was lovely to see so many parents & grandparents in church to watch the play and listen to the prayers, poems and the singing which the children performed.
Wednesday 16th October 2024
We had tea & coffee, biscuits and fruit today. The weather was a little rainy so we did wordsearches and colouring sheets. About 9:30am, the weather looked better so we went for a local walk. The leaves were falling off and blowing in the wind. We walked up a track through a wooded area and back onto the road. We had an ex-pupil join us today. She was doing a course at Manchester and she asked if she could join us for her Professional Development as part of her course. Her mum comes to the Wednesday group too.
Wednesday 9th October 2024
We had a speaker today from Community Safety Partnership talking about hate crime. Mahmuda came to interpret. There was a lot of interaction with the ladies and they said they had learnt a lot.
Wednesday 2nd October 2024
Fifteen ladies attended the group today. The wonderful friendships and togetherness in the group is so lovely to see and be part of. One of the ladies brought in a bowl of sweet rice with coconut and dates, they also poured cream on it. She brought it to share with everyone. Another of the ladies brought chocolate rolls and crispy cakes. After eating and drinking we went to pick apples in the school orcahrd. We got a basket full! They all took an apple home to add to their curries this afternoon. We then went for a local short walk.
Wednesday 25th September 2024
We had a new lady join us today. She chatted and joined in with the others laughing. We had drinks and biscuits and then they decided they wanted to walk to Morrisons. It was quiet in Morrisons so they all had a good look around. Some ladies went to look at the fish, then the vegetables.
One of the ladies bought some clothes for her children and others bought food.
Wednesday 18th September 2024
We had a lovely walk in the sunshine. We went to Hyde Park and had a picnic. Everyone took some food to share with a flask of tea too. We walked around the park after and watched the bowling.
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - Welcome Back!
All the ladies were so glad to be back. We had lots of chatter about weddings and places they had been to in the holidays. We did an activity today due to the very heavy rain. " Draw something that makes you feel good". The ladies drew some brilliant pictures. We had fruit, biscuits, tea & coffee.
Wake Up Wednesday sessions 2023-2024
24th July 2024
Firstly we went to the Year 6 Leavers Service in church. We then sat outside Nursery with drinks and food.
We start back on Wednesday 11th September 2024. Have a lovely holiday with your children.
17th July 2024
It was a lovely warm, sunny morning. We set off to go up to Werneth Low with drinks & snacks. We got to the Werneth Low Visitor Centre where we all sat down in the gardens for a rest. The apple trees were laden with apples and the flowers were beautiful in the gardens. We then set off to go to the cenotaph on top of the low. We had lots of food as a picnic. The ladies were amazed at what we could see. Manchester buildings, Ikea in Ashton and St George's church. We walked back, all downhill!!
3rd July 2024
We had a visit today from Amy & Fiona from the British Red Cross. They did a First Aid Workshop for us which was very informative. We had a questionnaire first with the word you have to think about when someone is having a stroke. FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Time). We discussed dangerous situations if someone is drunk, having a fit or heart attack. They recommend not to do mouth to mouth anymore but do chest compressions (CPR).
They showed us how to use a defibrillator and places to find them (we have one at school). The British Red Cross app is a brilliant source of information too. The ladies looked at it on their mobile phones. We practiced CPR on the dummies which Amy & Fiona had brought with them. It was a very informative and 'hands on' morning. Look at the picture below, what can you use those objects for?
26th June 2024
We had drinks, biscuits and fruit and then set off to go to DB Nurseries Garden Centre. All the ladies were talking about the fantastic day they had at the park on Saturday 22nd June (our Great Big Green Week picnic in the park). We walked to DB and some of the ladies bought cucumber and bean plants. They all had a great time taking photos in the gardens and the play area. Some ladies had agood time on the swings and taking Tik Tok videos! There was lots of fun and laughter! We walked back along the canal where we saw lots of fish swimming near the surface. We saw moorhens, coots, Canada geese and ducks.There were lots of narrow boats moored up too. A lovely walk in the sunshine.
19th June 2024
We had an Eid party today. Lots of food arrived. We had a total of 17 ladies who all had a lovely time together. The chatting and laughter was immense! It was wonderful to see the happiness while eating this very tasty food. We then went for a local walk. The ladies were asked if they would like to go to Hyde Park on Saturday for the picnic. They were also asked if they would like to make some food to sell at our Summer Fair on Friday 19th July at 3:15pm. Getting involved in our school activities is all part of our group.
22nd May 2024
Rain was pouring down as the ladies arrived this morning. A walk was off the agenda!! We had drinks and biscuits and fruit. We then had a few games of 'Hangman'. Most of the ladies had never played this! We laughed about some of the words. They googled what an artichoke was and what lemon sole was too. Some of the ladies had a turn at asking for letters to make a word. We ended by drawing flowers. The ladies went with umbrellas up to go home.
15th May 2024
We went on the 330 bus to Ashton. We called in at Cavendish Mill to the womens centre and Bridges. We were taken round by Ruth who came to speak to our group last week. We then went to Portland Basin museum and had a good look round. One of the Canadian geese had 10 baby goslings. Absolutely beautiful. If you haven't been to Portland Basin take your children in the holidays!! They open 10am - 4pm but are closed on Mondays. It is free but there is a donation box.
8th May 2024
We started with drinks and toast today. We then had 2 speakers. One talked about bereavement, and another lady came from Bridges, the Domestic Abuse Service who are based at Cavendish Mill in Ashton. She spoke about mental abuse, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. She said they are wanting volunteers who speak Bangla and Urdu. One of the ladies was very interested in doing this. Next week we will get the 330 bus to Ashton to find about more about Cavendish Mill and then visit Portland Basin Museum.
1st May 2024
A new lady joined us today which was lovely. She didn't know Hyde very well and asked about the Healthy Living Centre on Great Norbury Street. We had our drinks and biscuits and we all went for a walk to show her where it was. We then walked past the Fire Station, along Croft Street and over the bridge near Providence Mill. We saw some lovely bluebells, forget-me-nots and wild garlic. They had never seen wild garlic before and never heard of forget-me-nots. They found the name quite amusing.
24th April 2024
Lisa & Rohima came today. They did a presentation on thoughts and worry. There was also a re-cap from a previous presentation on breathing techniques, these help to bring you back to the here and now!
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can smell
2 things you can hear
1 thing you can taste
Try the technique for yourself.
17th April 2024
Today we had our Eid party. Everyone bought some food to share which was lovely. The table was full of delicous home cooked food. Some ladies brought some henna and they did some very elaborate Mendhi patterns on each others hands including mine! All the ladies had a great time. Everyone is welcome to join us on a Wednesday morning. Next week we are finishing off our course with Talking Therapies. This has been very interesting and informative.
20th March 2024
The ladies enjoyed chatting to each other and showing their food that they had made to freeze. Some of their children had helped make samosas at home to break their fast later in the day. They drew around Easter Egg templates for their children to colour in at home. Their children were going to colour the Easter Eggs in to enter the school Easter Egg design competition.
13th March 2024
It is the start of Ramadan so the ladies came for a chat. They were talking about their families and getting together to break their fast. We then went for a walk into Hyde where we met up with other ladies at the Peacocks sale.
6th March 2024 - Talking Therapies (Mental Health Service) Wellbeing Course 2nd Session
We had drinks, biscuits and fruit then Lisa handed out a questionnaire about mood and feelings. Lisa talked about being more active and how moods can lift just by going for a walk.She mentioned the 5 minute rule - set goals to do for 5 minutes then add time on as you feel better. Examples would be, walking, cleaning, cooking, watching TV or reading. Our 3rd wellbeing session is on the 24th April after Ramadan and Eid.
28th February 2024 - Talking Therapies (Mental Health Service) Wellbeing Course.
Talking Therapies has an online referral service at https://www.penninecare.nhs.uk/silvercloud Tameside & Glossop. You can also phone them on 0800 014 9995 to arrange a face to face consultation. In our group this morning we discussed anxiety, depression, low mood and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). We also did some breathing techniques for when we feel anxious.
21st February 2024
We sat and chatted this morning due to the rainy weather. We then did some word search sheets. We had tea, coffee and biscuits. Some ladies enjoyed the fruit and we discussed the prices of fruit and vegetables at the supermarkets and at the cash and carry.
7th February 2024
We had visitors today from the Police, Crown Prosecution Services and Bridges (Domestic Violence). They spoke about child abuse and domestic abuse, 6000 people in Tameside report domestic abuse. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men are abused. Children's social care protect the family. They make sure everyone is safe. All agencies pull together to keep everybody safe. They organise interpreters for people with English as a second language. Bridges care for people suffering with Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence could be; verbal, mental, financial, physical, controlling, disrespect, culture or religion. They give emotional and practical support. All the information is confidential and they meet in a safe location. The crown prosecution service is there to provide a service sending people to court if needed when a victim wants justice. Their lawyers specialise in domestic abuse and sexual crime.
31st January 2024
We started off with drinks and toast. Everyone had a good chat and there was lots of laughter. We then decided to go for a walk into Hyde, through the mall. The ladies went into Peacocks to look at the items on sale and into Superdrug. We met some of their friends and relatives in Hyde who they had a chat with. We then walked back along Nelson Street and came back to school. It was cold but dry.
24th January 2024
We had been invited to Nadia's house to meet her mum who was here visiting from Bangladesh. Nadia made us all very welcome and made some lovely food. Nadia's mum enjoyed the company of us all and wanted her photo taken with us all to show the family back in Bangladesh.
17th January 2024
We had a discussion about going to the Together Centre in Dukinfield. Everyone was agreeable so we walked down to the bus station to catch the 346 bus. We arrived at the Together Centre and had a warm welcome by one of the volunteers. There were lots of activities going on. People playing pool, darts and table games. The cook was busy creating food for hungry mouths. There were also people doing DIY in the 'man shed' and a ladies slimming session. They have a full itinerary of activities every single day. We all had coffees and toast. The ladies then decided to all walk back into Hyde - good for our fitness! We all enjoyed the Zumba session last Friday at St George's church. If anyone is interested it is on Fridays between 9 and 10am.
10th January 2024 - Welcome back
Happy New Year! It was lovely to see everyone again after the Christmas break. We were supposed to have a speaker today but unfortunately she was ill. The weather was cold but dry so we went for a walk. We saw a fantastic Monkey Puzzle tree in one of the gardens which we passed. Everyone enjoyed the New Year walk. Some of us are going to the Zumba Class at St George's Church on Friday.
20th December 2023
The ladies had a lovely party today. We had lots of delicious food and had fun playing pass the parcel. Everyone had a good time and we can't wait to meet up again in the New Year 2024.
13th December 2023
We had drinks & biscuits and fruit then decided we would go for a walk. We had a walk then went to Morrisons. The ladies did some shopping. They all enjoyed going together as a group. Next week we are all bringing some food for our end of year Christmas party.
6th December 2023
Two ladies from Talking Therapies came to talk to the ladies group today. Lisa and Rohina spoke about our health and wellbeing. Lisa spoke about stress, anxiety, depression and sleep problems. The ladies joined in talking about how they felt during some of these problems which they have suffered with. We did breathing techniques. Lisa & Rohina are coming again in January to follow on with what they spoke about today. They gave out leaflets too, so the ladies could take them home. Leaflets can be made in various languages which will be helpful.
29th November 2023
Last week we all decided we would all go on the bus to Stockport. We all met up and then got the 9am 330 bus.
Stockport town centre was decorated for Christmas and lots of cabins were open for the Christmas markets. The ladies enjoyed going into Primark. They bought cold weather items for their children, hats, gloves, scarves and fleeces and also pyjamas!
Next week we have a lady coming in to talk to us about health and healthy food.
22nd November 2023
Fourteen ladies turned up today. They enjoyed drinks, biscuits and fruit. We then had a discussion of what we were going to do. The overall majority wanted to go for a walk due to the weather being so good! We decided to go up to Gee Cross and went in the local Tesco. Some of the ladies had a walk around and others bought a few groceries. We then walked back to school and some ladies went into the big Cash & Carry supermarket nearby. We have decided that next week we will go on the bus to Stockport. Primark shopping will be favourable!!
15th November 2023
Fire Safety
We had a visitor from the Fire Service today. Roberta came to talk to us about fire safety. She spoke to us about smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms for our homes. She said that you should always check your smoke alarm weekly and always after a holiday or after you have been away from home for a while. She discussed the 5 main areas which cause fire in the home.
1) In the kitchen cooking
2) Electrical items including irons, kettles and mobile phone charging leads, and overloading an extension lead
3) Fires and heaters
4) Smoking
5) Candles (tealights)
Always have an escape plan and think what you would do if there was a fire emergency in your home. Always close the doors when going to bed. Know your exit route and keep it clear. and discuss all of this with your children so they know what to do too.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Carbon Monoxide is poisonous. You cannot see it or smell it. They say it is a 'silent killer'.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms are vital if you have a gas boiler or a gas fire. It could be a life saver.
Please click on the image above to navigate to the Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service Website. You can check your eligibility for a Home Fire Safety Assessment (HFSA). This is a completely free service run by the Fire and Rescue Service. During the visit they will provide fire safety advice and equipment depending on risk. They will need to talk to you about your health, home environment and your daily activities in order to understand your fire risk and provide the best advice for you. If you are eligible for this service, they will assess your requirements for smoke alarms during the visit and fit them for free.
8th November 2023
Thirteen ladies assembled in the Nursery room this rainy morning. We watched the weather but it didn't seem to ease! The ladies decided to do some word searches. They had tea and coffee and biscuits followed by satsumas and apples. They all enjoyed chatting amongst themselves as they filled in the word searches.
1st November 2023
We had toast with our drinks today. We waited for one of the ladies from Diversity Matters who had invited a police lady to visit us. Unfortunately, the police lady did not turn up. The lady from Diversity Matters spoke to the ladies instead.
18th October 2023
We had a lovely visit from Steph today who talked to the group about First Aid. Steph brought her 'dummies' with her to show us how to perform CPR and shown a defibrilator. She talked to us about choking in adults and children and how to dislodge a foreign body. One of the ladies told us she had to do this action with her own child. A grape had got stuck in his throat! We also learned how to stop a nose bleed, discussed asthma inhalers and how to use them. How to clean up cuts and grazes and apply pressure to a bleeding cut. We then watched a short video of some of the First Aid that Steph had talked about. It was all very interesting and useful in everyday life. You never know when you may need the advice! There is a defibrilator in school and one near Hyde Town Hall.
11th October 2023
The ladies gathered this morning, having drinks, biscuits and fruit on this rainy day. We organised some games and wordsearchs today as the weather was very wet. Jenga was enjoyed by 3 ladies working together, then an uproar as it all came tumbling down!! The ladies took some wordsearches home for their children.
4th October 2023
Fifteen ladies came today which was a great group! We had been invited down to one of the ladies houses. We were made so very welcome. Some ladies went into the kitchen and a smell of cooking filled the air. A table of lovely food soon appeared. We had a feast! We also had a tour around her house, and she was so proud to show us her beautfiul home. A lovely morning was had by all.
27th September 2023
Twelve ladies congregated together in the Nursery room before we set off for the 330 bus. We went to the Startpoint cafe in Woodley. The girls in the cafe pushed 4 tables together for us so we could all sit together. Tea and toast was ordered and everyone enjoyed their time there. Mahmuda from Diversity Matters joined us in the cafe. We went into the shop next door and the ladies did a little shopping. One lady bought a Ludo game to play with ther son at home.
20th September 2023
We had a good leisurely chat with drinks and biscuits as it rained outside. After a short while the rain stopped which allowed us to go into the school orchard to pick the last of the apples off the trees. We bought in bags of red and green apples. One of the ladies had bought some apple crumble which she had made so we all had some! Later we had a 'fashion show'. One of the ladies had bought some dresses for the other ladies to try on. Some ladies took some apples home to make an apple crumble for their family.
13th September 2023
We had drinks and biscuits then we joined another group of walkers at the Healthy Body & Mind Centre (Old B&M inside the mall in Hyde). We walked from Hyde Mall down to the canal. The canal path was a little bit muddy but we managed to get to the bridge and then walked up to Woodend Lane and back to school.
6th September 2023
Our first group meeting of the new term. 14 ladies arrived for drinks and chats. It was lovely to see everyone again and there was a lot of conversation about where they had been in the holidays with their children. Some of us then went on a local walk in the sunshine.
Wake Up Wednesday sessions 2022-2023
26th July
We had a lovely end of year get-together with lots of great food. One family were going to Bangladesh for 4 weeks and others talked about the Lake district. One family were having lots of visitors and some were going to London and Birmingham visiting family. We will all meet up again in September and new ladies are always welcome.
19th July
We went for a walk down Woodend Lane and looked at all the beautiful shrubs on the way. Fatema invited us into her house as we walked past. We looked at hergarden where tomatoes, chillies and marrows are growing which she bought at the garden centre which we visited a few weels ago.
12th July
We had drinks, biscuits and fruit. We then had a discussion about what we were going to do for the day. The weather brightened up so we decided to walk down to Morrisons. The ladies had a good time looking at pans and woks, then some bought food. We went to the clothes department and some ladies bought clothes for their children in the sale. We walked back to school before the rain arrived!!
5th July
This morning we stayed in as the weather looked unpredictable!! We had drinks and biscuits as everyone chatted about different things. It was lovely to just sit and chat about what's going on in the world, our environment and our health.
21st June
We started with drinks, biscuits and fruit. We decided it was a lovely morning - ideal for a walk. We walked up Dowson Road, where we passed Dowson School. We turned up Knott Lane to pass Hyde Chapel. The hanging baskets and flower displays were beautiful. We then walked down Stockport Road, and back to school. A great relaxing morning had by all! Good company and conversation.
14th June
We set off to the Hattersley Hub this morning. We caught the 201 bus from Hyde bus station. The cafe was lovely and the two ladies were very friendly and opened the cafe a little earlier because we arrived early! Toast, egg, beans and drinks were ordered and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Afterwards some of the ladiesd went to the big Tesco Extra.
24th May
Seventeen ladies attended our Wake up Wednesday group this week. We had mums, aunties, friends and a gradma who all had cups of tea/coffee and biscuits. We then set off for a local walk. We walked up Nelson Street to the swimming pool and got onto the track. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. We walked along and came off at the flats on Dowson Road. Everyone enjoyed the walk and were very thankful for a lovely morning.
17th May
We set off at 9am to walk to Werneth Low. It was a beautiful morning. We took some fruit and bottles of water. We got to the Higham Visitors Centre and sat in the garden. We then went up the stony path to look at the views. The ladies took photos and asked about places they could see, the flats in Hyde, Alder High School, Godley resevoir, Premier Foods (Walls) and St George's Church!
All were so thankful of achieving the walk up to Werneth Low.
10th May
Fourteen ladies set off to go to the Garden Centre. We walked to Aldi then got onto the canal path. The Canadian geese and coots were enjoying the sunshine on the canal. The ladies took photographs of the geese and coots. We walked through the dark tunnel and then walked up the steps to the Garden Centre. Most of the ladies bought some plants. Tomatoes, chilli's and greeen beans were the favourites! One of the ladies bought some hanging basket plants too.
3rd May
Tables were assembled, plates and cutlery were ready and the kettle was boiled! Fourteen ladies arrived bringing lots of lovely delicious food. Plates were passed around and the 'feast' began with lots of joy and laughter. Mrs Hewitt called in and was handed a plate of food. A lovely morning that was enjoyed by everyone!
26th April
It is so good to have so many ladies at Wake-up Wednesday group. Two new ladies joined our group today and the 15 of us had drinks, cake and fruit. We discussed our Eid party for next week then we went for a walk up to Alder High School. Some of the ladies whose children are going to Alder in September didn't knowwhere it was!
29th March
We had a lovely local walk. We saw lots of blossom trees and then we went to one of the ladies houses to meet with her sister-in-law. We had 2 children with us so we ended up singing nursery rhymes together.
22nd March
We all had a chat about Ramadan and Eid. All the ladies are grateful of the 2 week school holiday in the middle of Ramadan. We had drinks, biscuits and fruit and then went for a walk up Dowson Road, down Knott Lane and Waverley Road then back to school. It was a lovely bright sunny morning.
15th March
We had coffee and biscuits then went for a walk. We walked into Hyde as one of the ladies had an appointment to go to. We went into Morrisons and the ladies bought food and clothes for their children in the sale at Nutmeg clothes. We then walked up Lumn Road, down to the KFC area and then back to school.
8th March
We had drinks and biscuits then we set off to get the 330 bus to Stockport. We walked through the town centre where there was building work going on. The ladies wanted to go to Primark. They got lots of goodies for their children and home.
1st March
We had drinks and biscuits then we set off down Great Norbury Street. We went to the canal near Aldi and walked to D.B. Nurseries looking for vegetable plants for one of the ladies. We Were too early as the plants will not be on sale until late April! One of the ladies went back later on to get some compost.
15th February
We had drinks and biscuits and fruit before we set off on our local walk. We went onto the track and then went down the steps to the woods. The water was rippling and the birds were singing. It was a lovely morning. We came out of the woods into Gee Cross. As we got to the local Tesco, the ladies went in and bought some lovely daffodils and tulips. We came past Hyde Chapel and looked at the stocks in the graveyard! We then went down Marlborough Road past Dowson School and back to St George's. We did over 5000 steps.
8th February
We were going to the MIND cafe in Ashton but after ringing them about opening times they told us it was closed. Twelve ladies and 3 toddlers then went to Woodley cafe as quite a few ladies had never been. We went there on the bus. Eight ladies decided to walk back along the road to school. Four ladies got the bus back as they had other appointments. The cafe is very welcoming. Tea, coffees, cheese on toast and beans on toast were enjoyed by many on our visit.
1st February
We all went to the Startpoint Cafe in Woodley today on the bus. We had toast and drinks.
25th January
We had a short walk in the drizzly rain and drinks, biscuits and fruit when we got back. We did wordsearches and colouring in sheets with lots of laughter and chatter. We discussed the newsletters and talked about next week. We are going to the Startpoint Cafe at Woodley on the bus.
18th January
We had drinks, biscuits and fruit this morning. It was a cold icy day so we decided to stay in and get some games out. Some ladies did the Jenga game and enjoyed that. Some ladies had a go at Scrabble - making words fit onto the board using letters.
11th January 2023 - Welcome back!
We had our first session of Wake up Wednesday since the Christmas holidays, it was lovely to be back and catch up with everyone.
We started off with drinks and toast. It was a crisp, dry morning so went for a walk around the local area. We had a new lady join us who had only been in Hyde for a few months so it was good for her to get to know other mums. We stopped off at Fatema's house and she made us all drinks, samosas and other delicious food.
We were all made so very welcome.
21st December
We had drinks & toast this morning. Some of the ladies brought homemade cakes and gingerbread. We then went off for a walk into Hyde. We stopped off at Morrisons where the ladies did some shopping. We will return in 2023!
14th December
We had a party today. All the ladies brought some lovely food.
7th December
We had drinks and biscuits to start with. All our chatter was about the cold and frosty weather and the recent public health notice about the different illness's that are around and how we can look after ourselves. We made cards for their families. Some ladies showed off their artistic talents.
30th November
We did videos today with ladies talking about their families. Some had the confidence to do this, some just spoke but not on video. We went to the Healthy Living Centre on Great Norbury Street to see if they were doing a basic First Aid Course. They will get in touch with us when one is available.
23rd November
It was a very wet day day today we stayed inside. After drinks and biscuits we did some word searches. Next week we are doing little talks about our children/families. We are going to speak in English but the ladies will speak in Bengali if they get stuck on some words.
16th November
We had drinks and fruit this morning. One of the ladies brought in some onion bhajis which most ladies tasted. We set off and headed towards Apethorne Lane along the track. We walked down to the bridge across the canal. We then got on the canal path and walked to another bridge and then up Woodend Lane and back to school. It was a lovely morning which was ideal for an Autumn walk. Two new ladies joined us today and said they would come again.
9th November
After drinks & biscuits we walked down Great Norbury Street to the canal near Aldi. We walked down the cobbled slope and under the bridge. We walked near the canal and went up some steps to the Garden Centre. We had a look round and the pampas grass was amazing. The lavender and herbs smelt great.
2nd November
15 ladies arrived at our Wake Up Wednesday group this week which was so lovely to see. One of the ladies brought some cake in for us to try which her daughter had made (an ex pupil at St George's). We then went for a walk along the track. A beautiful autumnal morning.
19th October
The ladies asked if we could go on a bus to Stockport. Some ladies hadnt been on a bus for years! They were free to roam around Primark and all the ladies came out with bags of shopping. One said " I've had a great time thank you". Another said "This has been the best day".
12th October
The ladies had their cups of tea & coffee then we went onto the track behind Dowson Road. We walked along and looked at all the trees and leaves, Autumn has arrived!
5th October
We had toast and drinks this morning. As it was a very wet and windy day we decided to do some colouring and some wordsearches to keep us occupied. We also had a visit from a Siams inspector who spoke to the ladies about our group and also our wonderful school and its community.
28th September
We started the morning with breakfast. We then started cutting up apples to make apple crumbles. We used the apples we had picked from the school orchard. We had a good group today and everyone took an apple crumble home. It was a busy but successful morning!
21st September
We had croissants and drinks this morning. The ladies had a good chat and showed others pictures of weddings they had been to. We went for a walk along the canal on a beautiful sunny morning. Some ladies come for a chat and the social side of our group and some ladies like the walks and outings.
14th September
We had a lovely walk to Hyde Park. We watched some people "crown green bowling" and we walked through the rose garden. Two men had a metal detector and found some old coins, a farthing, a sixpence and a threepenny bit.
7th September
We had a good number of ladies back after the holidays. We went into the school orchard and picked lots of apples and pears.
Wake Up Wednesday sessions 2021-2022
20th July
We had a party for our last session of the year! Everyone brought delicious food. We had juice, tea and coffee as well as biscuits and fruit. 14 ladies had a lovely time eating and chatting. We then went for a local walk.
13th July
We had a drink and biscuits and fruit and set off on our walk, it was a lovely morning. We walked along the old railway track and came off at Hyde Pool. We had a new lady join us today and she enjoyed walking and chatting to the others.
6th July
We had coffee, tea and biscuits. It started to rain so we decided to stay in and do word searches. We got out the Jenga game too. The ladies chatted about Eid on Saturday. We made cards for Stay & Play children too.
29th June
Hellan Invited us as a group to go and see her new flat. She was married 4 weeks ago. She wanted us to see her wedding photos too. She made drinks and nibbles for everyone. We felt very welcome.
22nd June
We had a lovely walk up Dowson Road, and onto the estate. We eventually got onto the track and did a big circle to get back onto Dowson Road. We had drinks and biscuits and fruit before we set off.
15th June
It was a lovely sunny day. We went for a walk along the canal. Some ladies were in awe when they found people living on the narrow boats on the canal. We saw some baby coots/moorhens. The ladies had their pictures taken at the side of a vintage car. "Thank you for taking me to a beautiful place", one of the ladies said.
1st June
We did word searches and patterns on a crown for the Queen's Jubilee. Some ladies took some home for their children to do. We walked down to the garden to see what was growing down there.
11th May
Ruhela from Diversity Matters Northwest came today to do a stress management course. It is Mental Health Awareness week. She talked about loneliness and negative and positive thoughts about being lonely.
4th May
We had a great Eid party on Wednesday with the ladies group. Lots of food was brought in. It was lovely and everyone enjoyed themselves.
23rd March
We had a talk about internet safety. All St George's parents were invited to come along and find out about internet safety for their children and themselves. Tea & coffee was available afterwards. The Wake up Wednesday ladies stayed and had a chat and a tasting session of homemade yogurt and toast. It was lovely.
16th March
We had coffee and cake to start our day! We went for a walk to Gee Cross then went down to the Town Hall to ask about a 'wedding venue' for one of the ladies. She was very unsure about where to go. A lady showed us the hall where they hold the weddings.
11th March
We went to the home of Sharystan & Hellan today. They made some lovely food and made us all feel very welcome. We all had a great time. Some of the ladies are going to help out at the Fairtrade Big Brew tomorrow.
2nd March - Pancake Day
We made pancakes and had them with sugar, lemon and oranges. We used Fairtrade sugar. All the ladies enjoyed them.
16th February - Dental Health Team Talk
Two ladies from the Dental Health Tameside Team came to talk to our group and also Reception Class parents were invited too, as Reception Class will be doing a topic on 'the dentist'!
Parents were invited to stay for tea and coffee afterwards. Some parents asked questions and there were leaflets and free samples of toothpaste, sand timers and childrens cups to take away.
9th February - Visiting the new baby
We went to see the baby and take the gifts today. We were overwhelmed by the feast we were presented with. Lots of lovely food and cuddles with the baby.
2nd February
After having our tea/coffee and fruit we walked down to Asda. We bought baby clothes and a card for one of our ladies who attends our group regularly.
26th January
The group were so impressed with the Startpoint Cafe at Woodley that they told other members of our group and 7 of us went again this week. We also went into the Saver shop and did some shopping too.
19th January - Visit to a new cafe
We went to the Startpoint Café at Woodley Precinct today.
It was lovely and airy. We had coffee and toast. The café had a chatter natter table where you could go on your own and have someone to chat to which a great idea.
16th December - Christmas Party Day
Today we had a bit of festive fun. We all brought food and snacks including samosa's and one lady made a magnificient cake! It was a great party to celebrate Christmas and the last of our Wake Up Wednesday sessions until 2022!
17th November
We had a guest speaker today, Ruhela from the Council came to talk about some of the services available in Tameside. She spoke about mental health, stress, Eat Well – Live Well and also how to get help with job searches and creating a CV. There were a few leaflets which the ladies could take at the end of the session. It was very informative!
10th November
Today we had tea, coffee and biscuits and then went for a walk. We put some clothes in the Islamic Relief clothing bank. Then went onto the canal under the motorway bridge. We all went “ooooooooh” at the same time to hear our collective echo back!
3rd November
The ladies played games this morning, they enjoyed Scrabble & Jenga.
20th October
Today we went to the harvest service outside. It was great to see all the classes together for the service. We went back in after for tea coffee and toast.
6th October
22nd September
13 ladies went for a walk along the old railway track, then onto the canal. We saw a narrow boat on the canal. A lady was grooming her horse. One of the ladies asked for some manure for her plants!