0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Christmas 2022


Christmas 2022

Well done to all our ‘St George’s superstars’ performing in the ‘Superstar’ Production last night, we think you will agree they were amazing!

It was lovely to see so many of our families supporting their children, there wasn't a seat left in the church!

They really did do us proud.





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A few pictures of our Christmas activities this week!


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Year 1 & Year 2 Performing 'Born in a Barn'


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born barn 3.JPG


Reception & Nursery


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xmas play r 1.png


xmas play r 4.jpg


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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
