0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Forest School

What is Forest School?

Forest School is a long term learning process that is child centred and takes place in a woodland environment. The program uses play, exploration and managed risk-taking to allow children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually.

Learning in and from the natural environment children learn grow to cherish and value the world they live in and will grow into adults that appreciate the importance of sustainable management of the world's resources and the importance of protecting nature.

Having fun is an important part of these sessions and children are allowed to express themselves, to direct their own play, to learn new skills and build their self-confidence and self-esteem. They learn social skills through collaboration and teamwork.

It gives them new opportunities and new experiences out in nature whatever the weather.

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Forest School Rules

Forest School at St George's has three basic rules which underpin all our activities and behaviour

Be kind to Nature

Being aware of the natural environment around us, that it is the home to the plants and insects, birds and animals that live there and we should recognise their right to live there.

Be Safe - Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt anyone else.

Giving children the opportunity to build their social skills in an environment  where  they have the emotional, physical, mental space to be themselves and to learn about themselves.

Have Fun Forest School is all about allowing children to enjoy playing for playing sake, to give them an environment where they can enjoy learning new skills at their own pace, where they can build friendship bonds with their peers and to enjoy just being out in nature and appreciating it and learning their part and responsibility for the natural world.

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Tool Use

During sessions children will be given opportunities to learn how to safely use different tools and become proficient using them.

This will always be carried out under strict adult supervision and will be based on the child's ability and maturity and the opportunity to use tools can be removed from a child because of lack of respect for the tools or  unsafe or unwanted behaviour during tool use.

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Having a campfire will be a common occurrence at Forest School, it is a social experience and it allows children the space to talk together and to feel part of a group. We have rules relating to the fire circle to ensure we are all kept safe. Children have the opportunity to learn how to light a fire using a flint and striker under adult supervision and in small groups. We also make hot drinks and cook on the fire.


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Forest School Sessions


At Forest School we recognise that change takes time so children come out to their sessions fortnightly for half a term each term. The sessions are two hours in length. This allows the children the time to get accustomed to being outdoors whatever the weather and to have the time to learn new skills, have time for their own play and build friendships in a smaller group. There is no curriculum or timetable for sessions, the children are free to join in activities as their interest leads them. They start to explore and see more in the nature that is around them and find their place in the world.

Children come out in Year Groups and each session is limited to 15 children so each class is divided by house groups.

Forest School Leader and at least one TA lead each session.

Forest School 2023-2024

30th April - Year 4

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16th April - Year 5

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20th March - Year 5

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6th March 2024 - Year 5

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23rd January 2024 - Year 4

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October 2023 - Year 4

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29th November 2023 - Year 5

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15th November 2023 - Year 5



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Forest School 2022-2023

17th January 2023 - Year 2

Year 2 were out in our Forest School area today making popcorn!

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15th November - Year 1

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19th October - Year 2

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Forest School 2021-2022

June 28th

Ready to Go with our new Year 5 class!



Making Leaf print bandanas using the ‘Hapa Zome’ technique



Working together to build a bridge.



Working together to get the fish in the ‘Heron & Otters’ game.



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June 22 

Learning how to safely make a campfire.

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Files to Download

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
