0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Subject Vision History

Our Vision for History at St George's

‘Let all that you do be done in Love’ 1 Corinthians 16:14

The example of Jesus Christ and the Good news that he brings inspire St George’s school to be a place of hope and a caring and inclusive community in which we all love to learn and learn to love.

‘The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future’ Theodore Roosevelt

History sparks curiosity about the past; what happened in Britain and the wider world. It poses questions about why people did what they did, what decisions people made and why. It promotes enquiry for pupils to discover the answers about different groups of people and the times in which they lived.

History is essential to the past, present and future and without it we would not know much about our ancestors and how to deal with current problems. As history is all around us, it helps us to understand change and societal developments. This provides children with the context to understand themselves and the challenges we face to appreciate the world in which we live today.


Click on the link to read the full vision statement for History:

History Overview

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Click on the link below to see our History Progression document

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2024 - 2025

Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed their visit from Past Productions and learned a lot about the Vikings.  They enjoyed looking at real Viking artefacts and cracking codes using Viking runes.



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Year 5

Year 5 had a workshop in school helping them to learn about the Anglo-Saxons.  The children had  a fantastic time learning all about daily life, social hierarchy, homes, crime and punishment and myths.  They also did some dramas of Anglo-Saxon myths and real-life stories.

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Year 4

Year 4 had a great day at the Chester Dewa Experience.  They had a tour of the museum and then marched around the city of Chester and chanted in Latin whilst following a Roman soldier.  They got to carry a sword and a shield and even saw the Ampitheatre.


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Year 3

Year 3 worked in teams to answer the question “What was the Ancient Britons greatest invention?”. 

They shared their learning with their parents – they were very impressed!

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Year 2

Year 2 has answered the question, “How has Market Street changed over time?”.  They also had a very special visitor – Mr Rigby’s Great Gran who is 104 years young.  She told the children all about what it was like when she was a little girl and how lots of things have changed.


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Year 1

Year 1 went to Portland Basin to help them answer their learning challenge “How has childhood changed over time?”.  They looked at what homes used to look like, played with games from the past and learned how schools were very different to our school today.  They had a fantastic learning experience!

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
