0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.


We expect all pupils to wear the school uniform as a mark of respect for the school and as a reminder of their responsibility to uphold the good name of the school

Winter Uniform

Red Polo Shirt 
Green Sweatshirt
(Red Sweatshirt Foundation Stage to Year 3)
Grey Trousers or Grey Skirt
Black Shoes not trainers

Summer Uniform

Red Polo Shirt 
Green Sweatshirt/Cardigan 
(Red Sweatshirt Foundation Stage to Year 3)
Grey Trousers/Shorts 
Grey Skirt/Red Gingham Dress
Black Shoes not trainers

PE Kit

Red T-Shirt
Black Shorts
Black Pumps


School Uniform can be bought direct from Kids Stop, 49 Market Street, Hyde SK14 2AB

If you want a Fairtrade option please visit KoolSkools at  St George's CofE Primary School, Hyde Archives - Koolskools (koolskools4u.co.uk)

Parents who are receiving Family Credit or Income Support from the DSS may be entitled to a clothing grant from the Tameside Education Office.

Children from Reception upwards are expected to wear “proper” shoes as part of their school uniform. Trainers are not allowed at St George’s as everyday footwear, although KS2 children may wear trainers for outside PE lessons.


Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school, including earrings. We believe this to be in the best interests of your child’s safety. Wrist watches are acceptable. These rules are based on health and safety considerations. If children are to have their ears pierced, we suggest that this is done at the beginning of the Summer holiday to allow the healing process. This measure prevents potential conflict between parental wishes and school policy.


Children are not allowed ‘extremes’ of hairstyles or colours. For example – Mohican, shaved heads, coloured/bleached streaks etc. Parents will be contacted to come into school and speak with the Headteacher if their child’s hairstyle is felt to be unacceptable. Any children with unacceptable hairstyles will not be allowed to take part in After School Activities or represent the school in teams or competitions.

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
