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Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust came into school during Fun Friends and Fitness Week in May to  talk about healthy eating and to give us practical ideas of how to make lunchboxes more healthy.

Here are a few tips:

Do some extra peppers or carrots at teatime and keep them  for tomorrow’s lunchboxes.

Leftover potatoes can be turned into a potato salad.

Put ready peeled or chopped fruit in a little pot. Children will be more likely to eat it if it’s already prepared.

Buy big bags of dried fruit and put the fruit into small pots. It’s much cheaper than buying pre-packed small boxes.

Buy knock down priced bread and wraps and freeze. Remove from the freezer in the morning and make up sandwiches then.

Put a small tub of cereal with some dried fruit and a few chocolate chips as a treat in a lunchbox.

Crackers and breadsticks are a good alternative to bread.

Freeze yoghurts and add to the lunchbox. Buy in bulk when they are on offer. It will help keep 
everything else cool in the lunchbox.

Cheese spread can be used as a dip with breadsticks.

Tubs of custard or rice pudding are a nice treat option.

Stock up on tuna when it’s on offer. It can be used in a pasta salad as well as on sandwiches.

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
