0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.


Each class has looked at a different aspect of Respect and have put together our beautiful display in the hall.

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 have talked about showing Respect for God’s creation. They have made hedgehogs, bumble bees and butterflies.

Year 2 l talked about showing Respect for plants and animals based on the stories of St Francis. They made Owls and cats.

Year 3 talked about showing Respect for each other. They made lilies and have written about how they show respect for each other.

Year 4 talked about showing Respect for others –who we respect, why we respect them and how we show our respect to other people (stars)

Year 5 discussed showing Respect for special things. They made leaves to show the things and the people that were special to them and what we do to show respect.

Year 6 looked at Respect for people who inspire us – Who do we look up to? Who do we learn from? And how can we be like some of these people?

A Prayer for Respect

Father God
Open our eyes to vaue and appreciate all people.
Help us to recognise what we have in common 
and respect what makes each of us unique. Amen

A Prayer for Others

Dear Lord
Help us to love everyone for who they are.
Help us to treat people 
as we would like to be treated ourselves,
and to know that you love us all for who we are. Amen

A Prayer for Forgiveness and Respect

Lord sometimes we are rude and cross
Please forgive us, and help us show respect.
Lord sometimes we don't listen to others.
Please forgive us, ande help us show respect.
Lord sometimes we only think of ourselves.
Please forgive us and help us show respect. Amen

A Prayer for Places of Worship

Dear God
Make the churches and places of worship in Hyde, which show your
glory be Houses of Prayer and Respect for you - where heaven and
earth seem very close.

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
