0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Family Information

Please click on the image below for the guide to 'What's On' in Tameside over the half-term holidays.

tameside feb half term guide.PNG

Grow Tameside Story Walks Feb Half Term.PNG

Grow baby group feb half term.PNG

Please click on the image below to open the January & February Timetables for 'Grow in Tameside's' local Hyde hubs.

Grow in Tameside Logo.PNG

Have a look at the leaflets below for the latest Healthy Hyde Health & Wellbeing Programme

BAME Health Forum.PNG

Wellbeing Walking Group.PNG Basic Life Support.PNG
Sister Shed.PNG Grow Together Allotment Group.PNG Peer Support Group.PNG



Please click on the image below to open up the latest newsletter from the Children's Nutrition Team

CNT Winter 2024.PNG

Please have a look at all the latest activities in Tameside

tameside story walks oct.PNG

tameside newsletter oct 1.PNG

tameside newsletter oct 2.PNG

tameside whats on oct 1.PNG

tameside whats on oct 2.PNG

Please click on the link below to open up the full Autumn Newsletter from the Childrens' Nutition Team.

CNT Autumn 2024 pic.PNG


Grow Together Allotment Group.PNG



Wellbeing Walking Group.PNG


Sister Sled Gardening Woodwork workshop.PNG


Bame Memory Cafe.PNG


Grow Tameside Activity Timetable 1.PNG

Grow Tameside Activity Timetable 2.PNG

Please click on the image below to open the full Healthy Friendships Guide

Healthy Friendships.PNG

Please click on the image below to open the latest newsletter from the Children's Nutrition Team!

It is full of fantastic seasonal receipes and advice on how to keep children safe in the kitchen. 

CNT Newsletter May 2024(1).PNG

Online Safety

self regulation national online safety.png

ofcom media report online safety.PNG

Please click on the image below to see all the parenting courses and support groups available.

Grow with me Parenting Course.PNG


Please visit inourplace.co.uk to see the wide range of online parenting courses available.

Use the code SUNFLOWER for free access.

In Our Place Solihull Online Courses.PNG

Please click on the two images below to open up the latest information from Diversity Matters Northwest

DMNW Activity Guide April 2024.PNG



DMNW Newsletter April 2024.PNGPlease click on the image below to open up the latest Mental Health Advice guide for children and young people.

CYP Mental Health Guide.PNG

Please click on the image below to open the Latest newsletter from the Children’s Nutrition Team.
In this month’s newsletter they are looking forward to welcoming Spring and thinking 
about the best ways to enjoy Easter and Ramadan. 

CNT pic for webpage.PNG

Please click on the image below to open the full Together Centre What's On guide

Together Centre v3.PNG

healthy hyde consultation.PNG

grow together allotment.PNG

Ramadan Q&A with local GP.jpg


Ramadan samosa workshop.png


fairtrade rochdale.png

makers menders advert(1).PNG

Please click on the image below to open the full docments. 

DMNW jan 24 image for website.PNG

Screen Time Jan 24.PNG


Screen Addiction.PNG

Support over Christmas(1).PNG


CNT pic 1.PNG

CNT pic 2.PNG

CNT pic 3.PNG

CNT pic 4.PNG

Wellbeing women only walking group (updated)(1).jpg

Time To Grow -Hattersley Community Gardern Project .png

Bloom Allotment Flyer.jpg

Please click on the image below for the latest Activity Guide from

Diversity Matters Northwest.

DMNW Our Activities Oct to Dec 2023 Front cover for webpage.PNG


Please see our files at the bottom of the page for the most recent Tameside Food Pantry List

food pantry logo for website.PNG


kooskools discount letter to go with prices page(1).PNG




Koolskools uniform discount for parents page.PNG

Please click on the link below to open the full

updated Together Centre Guide for 2023.

There are lots of fantastic activitities and services for you your family.

The Together Centre is delighted to announce that they have a number of new Charitable Services available;

FREE Two Course Meal for individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to their Health and/or Wellbeing; Every Friday, and deliveries between 10.00 -2.00PM.

Mobile Food Pantry for anyone who is unable to leave their homes due to their Health and/or Wellbeing; Every Friday, and deliveries between 10.00 – 2.00PM - £4.50 CASH payment on delivery.

FREE Minibeasts Get Active Eco-therapy Allotment Activities and Multi-Sports for Children aged 5 – 11, who are unable to currently attend Sports Activity Clubs due to their Parents/Carers experiencing poverty or receiving low income; Saturdays 10.00 – 12.00PM – Snack included.


Together centre pic.PNG


me you baby too.PNG



DMNW April activity pic for website.PNG

HLT whats on.PNG







Warm spaces st george's church hyde jan 23.png

winter warmer sheet 1.PNG

winter warmer sheet 2.PNG

winter warmer sheet 3.PNG

winter warmer sheet 4.PNG


Helping Hand Tameside: a one-stop-shop directing you to local support services and organisations

helping hand tameside logo.JPG

No one should struggle alone.

Find help local to you.

This webpage will help you find local support services to give you a helping hand with the cost of living, your mental health and wellbeing.
We can direct you to support services who can assist you in:

Taking control of your finances and finding out if you’re entitled to financial support

Improving your mental health and wellbeing

Assisting you with housing problems

Building your work skills and find routes into employment

Finding local food pantries and food banks

You can also find Government support with the rising cost of living on www.helpforhouseholds.campaign.gov.uk  

Helping you find financial, wellbeing and benefit support in Tameside

We all need a little support sometimes. We are here to lend a helping hand when you need it.
This webpage will sign post you to a wealth of information on local services who can support you and provide advice.
Find out how to contact us at www.tameside.gov.uk/directions
Customer Services are available on 0161 342 8355 or use our web chat feature for further support.

Local Library Support

You can also pop into your local library for advice and help.
Our libraries can help you with council tax applications, housing benefit supporting documents, paying parking fines, Adult Services charges, waste services and other general service reports and queries.
Find your local libraries opening times at www.tameside.gov.uk/libraries/openingtimes 
For more information on library access and inclusion please visit www.tameside.gov.uk/libraries/inclusion
Find out more about other specific library services on www.tameside.gov.uk/libraries
If you would like to distribute Helping Hand leaflets, posters or business cards for your business or organisation, please contact communications@tameside.gov.uk

Accessible formats are available on request (languages, contrasts, bigger font size)


Family & Friends Railcard


1/3 off rail fares, 60% off kids’ fares, and so much more...

You don’t need an excuse to spend time with your friends and family. But we’re going to give you one anyway. Because with a Family & Friends Railcard you’ll enjoy 1/3 off rail fares for up to 4 adults and 60% off for up to 4 kids between 5 and 15.

Plus you can have two adults named on one card, so when one cardholder isn’t using it, the other can. 

It means you can save money on trips to see the grandparents, days out to theme parks, or weekends by the seaside – as many times as you like.

Here’s what you need to know:

The Railcard costs just £30. So after a couple of trips, the card will have paid for itself. And over a year, you could save an average of £114*.

Your Family & Friends Railcard will save you 1/3 off a wide range of tickets.  Why not use our journey planner to see what savings you can make?

railcard family friends.JPG

Money Matters Advice

tameside council benefit advice poster march 22.JPG



inourplace sunflower online courses poster.png

being there life limiting illness charity poster.JPG


Keeping your children safe online

back to school online safety.png




Please also remember the online support tool that is free to all Tameside Residents.

Understanding your child,

Understanding your baby,

Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby

Understanding your teen brain.

These can be accessed at www.inourplace.co.uk the access code is SUNFLOWER.

There is also a Parenting Team in Tameside click on the link for more information.

Parenting Support for Parents and Carers in Tameside

Parenting Helpline

Do you need support, advice and guidance?

Monday AM 9-11am

Azara Azam (07870277592) or

or Rachel Berrisford (07971800378

Friday AM 9-11am

Kim McInerney (07583971806) or

or Rachel Berrisford (07971800378

The Parenting Team are here to support you during this time. If you have any worries or concerns that you want to share, please call one of the team on the numbers detailed or email: parentingreferrals@tameside.gov.uk

Early Attachment Team

(0 - 5 years)

We are offering a **NEW** weekly ‘drop-in’ telephone

consultation service for parent and professionals

For parents (from pregnancy up to a child’s fifth birthday) and professionals (health visitors, midwives, social workers, teachers, nursery workers ,etc.)

A space to think about and discuss concerns about an infant or young
child, or the parent-infant/parent-child relationship, and the impact of the
Covid-19 situation.

Consultations: Monday to Friday 10am to 12 noon

Please ring us on 0161 716 3569 to request a slot.

If we are not in the office there is a voicemail facility – please leave
your contact details and the child’s name, date of birth and address,
and someone will get back to you.
This service will be offered until further notice.

**If you need to speak to someone urgently please contact your GP or the NHS 111 service. In an emergency please contact 999**

Some of the things that we can support with include:

- Young children displaying behavioural changes that indicate an increase in anxiety or fear as a result of


- Worries, fears, anxiety, frustrations, low mood, depression

- Adjusting to parenthood, becoming a parent, thinking about your baby during pregnancy

- Infant and child development, understanding your baby, managing behaviours that are challenging

- Sleeplessness, eating difficulties, excessive crying, tantrums, and separation difficulties.

School Nurses

The School Nurses now have a Facebook page which will bring the latest advice and support to parents and give them easy access to our contact details.

The links for this page are: 




Diversity Matters have been working with Action Together and the Tameside South and Longdendale Foodbank to help set up the local Food Bank in Hyde at Hyde Methodist Church, Crook Street, Hyde, SK14 1NQ. The food bank is open on Wednesdays 1-2pm for families that are struggling during these difficult times. Donations can be dropped off at Hyde Methodist Church on Wednesdays from 11am -2pm or at St Barnabus Church on Hattersley from 1-3pm. For more details of how to donate please ring Sue on 07901786905. If you need to access the food bank please contact school on 0161 368 3268. 


Cooking on a budget

Please see the files at the bottom of the page for family meal plans


Diversity Matters

We live in worrying times and as a local charity we want to do whatever we can to help the Tameside community get through the COVID-19 pandemic as unharmed and supported as possible. In response to the pandemic, our services will be running at a reduced level. 

You can find the details of all of the projects we are currently running – both in support of local COVID-19 related initiatives and the scaled down/altered versions of our own projects. In addition, we have created a new section on our website collating links to all of the relevant COVID-19 helplines and guidance that we’ve come across so feel free to share or use this section as needed. We also communicate with the community through Facebook by sharing links, positive stories and relevant information regularly.

We are all working from home but can still be reached either through voicemails left on our landline 0161 368 3268, on our mobiles or via email. We have collated all contact information on our website

.Or if you are just unsure of where to get help and support, then please call our multilingual team on 0161 368 3268 Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm and leave your name and number in English, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi or Punjabi and one of the team will call you back.

Here are some websites which can help you and your children deal with stress and anxiety.





Domestic Abuse

Getting Help In Tameside
Staying safe during COVID-19 - A guide for victims and survivors of domestic abuse
In an emergency - you should always contact Telephone Number 999
If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, call 999 and then press 55 - this will transfer your call to the relevant police force, who will assist you without you having to speak. For more information, please click here 

GMP Website

The Police take domestic violence seriously and will respond to all incidents.


Finding ways to make your money go further isn't easy. The jam jar method can be very helpful and writing down everything  you spend can help you see where your money is going.

Money Advice service - Jam Jar Approach https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/managing-your-money-using-the-jam-jar-approach.

Planning meals means you only shop for what you need and the Children's Nutrition Team's  recipes are well thought out.


Get advice before getting a loan. Speak to your bank or a Credit Union. Beware of people offering loans with no paperwork, who take your passport or other items as security and are unclear about repayments. Report anyone you suspect of being a loan shark on

0300 555  2222

Financial Conduct Authority – checking if loan company is legitimate https://www.fca.org.uk/firms/financial-services-register

Council Tax Recovery

We appreciate that this is a difficult time for many of our residents and that the COVID-19 virus is having a significant impact on the economy.

Your Council Tax pays for our essential services that are delivered to all residents in the Council, so it is really important that if your circumstances have not changed that you continue to pay what you should, maintain your direct debit payments, or payment plan, as detailed on your bill. Thank you for your contribution.

If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax, we wanted to make you aware of the support available and how the Council can help you if you have been affected.

1. Make sure that you have claimed all of the benefits that you are entitled to. For working age families:

Universal Credit from the DWP


Council Tax Support from the Council


2. Get in touch with us. We would encourage anyone who is struggling, to contact us at counciltax@tameside.gov.uk so that we can ensure that you are getting all of the support that you are entitled to.

3. We may be able to agree to a special payment plan so that the Council Tax due for 2020/21 is split over 9 months, from July 2020 to March 2021, meaning that in some cases you will not have to pay anything until July.

4. We can also look at your arrears so that we consider everything you owe to us and avoid any extra costs or charges.

Gas and Electric Suppliers

If someone is in self-isolation and they have a smart meter (pre-payment meter) they can contact their utility provider who may be able to assist by sending out two weeks’ worth of gas/electricity.

Please see contact details below:


British Gas:               0333 202 9802

EDF:                           0333 200 5100

EON:                          0345 303 3040

N Power:                    0800 073 3000

Scottish Power:        0800 027 0072

SSE:                           0345 026 2658

Citizens Advice Bureau



Files to Download

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
