0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Family Groups - Earth, Wind, Fire & Water


Family groups – EARTH, WIND, FIRE and WATER

St George's has had an art project to launch our new ‘Family groups’ which will replace our previous house groups, Derby, Chester, Lancaster and York. The Junior Leadership Team decided that we needed something more meaningful and family groups seemed more appropriate. We have now also included all the school - Nursery, Reception, KS1 and KS2 where it was just KS2 before.

Every member of our school belongs to a family group, including staff.

The process started by thinking about names for the family groups such as authors, courageous advocates, local people, landmarks, etc. and this went to a whole school vote.

The winning vote was the four elements, EARTH, WIND, FIRE and WATER.

The children explained that they liked this idea because the elements linked to God’s creation and there were many references to each of these in the Bible. We then thought it would be a great idea to produce a piece of artwork to represent each of the family group names. Each class split into their family groups to create their piece of artwork, using bible references for each of the elements.

We were also inspired by the tapestries in St Alban’s Cathedral, ‘Elements in Salvation’. These are our finished pieces!


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We have now chosen our Family Group Leaders for each Element, well done to all children who were selected!


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We are looking forward to learning together in our family groups and growing together on our spiritual and educational journey.


Wednesday June 15th

Every other week we worship together in our Family Groups. We enjoy seeing our friends from other year groups and other grown-ups from across the school to share in worship together. At the moment we are listening to Bible stories and thinking about our values.

We also think about how the stories and values link to other faiths and think about how we are growing our faith together.

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Friday 24th June - Sports Day

Today we had our annual sports day while the weather was nice. We competed in our Family Groups. Well done to the winning team Water!

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
