0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Autumn 1 Thankfulness

Our Value this half term is Thankfulness

Christians believe that God loves and cares for them in many different ways in all aspects of their life. This is a belief shared across other faiths and one which we are exploring through different ideas in our worship. We are learning together about how we can all give thanks and praise whatever our faith or beliefs.

In Collective Worship we are thinking about:

How we can encourage an appreciative and thankful attitude in all members of our school community.

How we can be more thankful for the things we might take for granted.

How we can show Thankfulness in different ways – in our actions, not just our words.

How we give thanks for new members of our school and community and how we welcome new people.

Giving Thanks for God’s wonderful world.


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures for ever
Psalm 136: 1- 3

And If you would count the blessings of Allah you would not be able to count them…” [Surah Ibrahim 14:34]

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
