0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Autumn 1 2024

Let all that you do be done in Love

1 Corinthians 16:14

This half term we will be exploring the question What makes Hyde special? 

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It will help us to think about the people and the places in our families, school and community that we love, that we think are special and that help us to flourish and thrive as we grow.  It will also encourage us to look carefully at our environment and notice God's wonderful creations and question how we can look after our community and keep it special and unique.

We will also continue our learning journey through play and exploration of the things that fascinate and interest us; helping us to understand more, learn new skills and develop our spirituality through our thinking, our questions and our friendships.

Jesus is our Greatest Friend

We are so proud of how well all the children have settled into Reception.  They are showing friendship, compassion and love to one another every day, and also a great sense of fun and adventure!

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We have been thinking about our favourite things. We talked about our favourite items in our classroom and practised our speaking skills by showing our favourite toys from home to our friends and telling them why they are so special. What would you bring?


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We enjoyed a visit to St Georges Church. It is one of our special places. We looked at the features of a church. We saw it had a bell tower and stained glass windows which had beautiful images from the Bible. Whilst we were there, we also looked for signs of Autumn. We noticed lots of the leaves on the trees had started to fall. We found brown ones, yellow ones, orange ones and red ones on the ground and green ones on the trees. 

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As part of our learning we went on a walk around our local area. We looked at lots of special landmarks in our area- St Georges Church, Hyde Central Train Station, Hyde Jamia Mosque, Hyde Town Hall and Hyde Market. We looked at the various landmarks and plotted them on a map then we created our own simple map based on the route of the walk.

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We love to bake in Reception! We made banana bread with Fairtrade bananas. We were learning about Fairtrade for our Harvest festival service in Church. We followed a recipe and worked as a team. We also learnt how to wait our turn to mix the ingredients together. 


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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
