0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Autumn 1 2024

Let all that you do be done in Love

1 Corinthians 16:14

This half term we will be exploring the question:

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In Year 5 this half term, we have been looking at our school value of Thankfulness. We have looked at what Thankfulness means to us and what we are thankful for. We have created our own end of day prayer and acrostic poem about this value. We have also looked at all the things in the world we are grateful for and created our own gratitude jar.



In English, we started off our learning by completing a recount on the story of The Gingerbread Man. We described the different settings and characters in the story and used this to retell the story. 


Following on from this we have looked at the picture book The Varmints. We have looked at the mood change in the story and used this to create our own poem about the Varmint's world. We have also listened to the Varmints animation and used the sounds we could hear to draw the two different scenes shown in the film.

We have used the book and the film to decide if we think the varmint should accept the changes that have happened to his world or leave. We have used our thought to write a persuasive letter to the varmint.

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In Maths, we have been exploring numbers with up to 7 digits. We have been practicing how to partition these numbers, write them in words and been recapping our rounding skills.

We are now moving onto applying the skills that we have learnt in Year 3 and 4 in addition and subtraction to larger numbers.

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In Maths, we have moved our leanring on to looking at multplication and division. We have started by looking at the terms: multiples, common multiples, factors and common factors. We have learnt what these terms mean and how to find multiples and factors of numbers. We have used this understanding to help us find prime numbers.

We have used our understanding of times tables to help us find square and cube numbers.

Learning challenge

In our learning challenge, we have started to learn about the Anglo-Saxons. We have looked at where they fit on the World timeline and where in the World they come from. 

We have looked at how Britain changed from the Roman times to the Anglo-Saxon times and we have researched long boats. Following on from our research on longboats, we have looked at the different reasons the Anglo-Saxons came to Britian and how they used the resources and land for trade and farming. From this we designed our own village.

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We loved our Anglo-Saxon worshop and learnt a lot about the Anglo-Saxon class system and their crimes and punishment. We also very much enjoyed acting out some different Anglo-Saxon stories and myths. 

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In Science, we have been looking at the life cycle of different types of animals. We have compared the life cycle of different birds and amphibians. We have also been look at different graphs about life spans and pregnancy to see if we notice any patterns. 

We have continued this work by moving onto the life cycle of flowering and non-flowering plants. 



This half term, we have started our weekly swimming lessons. We have very much enjoyed these experiences and our starting to become more confident in the water and making great progress.

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
