0161 368 2848



We finish for the half term holidays today. Have a lovely break. School re-opens on Monday 24th February.

Autumn 2 2024

Let all that you do be done in Love

1 Corinthians 16:14

This half term we will be exploring the question:

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We are thinking about our value compassion. We will be thinking what compassion means to us and how we can show compassion to others. We will be looking at stories from the bible to help us understand more about what it means and how we can develop this value within ourselves. 'It's good to be kind'.

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We learnt about what happens on Bonfire Night. We enjoyed watching a video of fireworks and making firework noises ourselves. We made firework patterns in a tray of glitter, made fireworks in dough and danced with ribbons to music, pretending to be fireworks.

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We learnt about Diwali, the Hindu 'festival of light'. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita, and watched a video to find out how Diwali is celebrated. We explored light and colour with torches. We made diya's with playdough, adding tea light candles and sequins to decorate. We used powder paint to create rangoli patterns on the floor outside.

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We watched a video on CBebbies about Remembrance, and made our own poppy paintings in response.

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We read the book 'Happy Birthday Maisie', and discussed how we celebrate our birthdays. We used pegs to add candles to birthday cake shapes, matching to the numeral. We made birthday cakes in the playdough counting and adding candles.

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We read the book 'Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns'. We talked about how Eid is celebrated. Children talked about their own experiences of saying prayers and visiting places of worship. We made mosques with blocks, building minarets and adding domes. We used 2D shapes to make patterns.

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We explored how people decirate their houses at Christmas. We enjoyed decorating our own Christmas tree, making a tree in the tuff tray and making our families Christmas cards. We read the story of The First Christmas and used a Nativity set to re-tell the story.

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We enjoyed dressing up in Christmas costumes!

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We planned a party and invited Reception Class to join us. We played games, had party food together, had a visit from Father Christmas and enjoyed dancing.

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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
