0161 368 2848



We finish for the half term holidays today. Have a lovely break. School re-opens on Monday 24th February.

Autumn 2 2024

year 2 autumn 2 2024.PNGOur value for this half term is Compassion


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

In Year 2 we have been looking at ways in which we can show compassion at home and in school. We have also written our own acrostic poem to help us explain what compassion is and what it means to be compassionate. 


In maths we have been drawing on the tables to help us solve 2 digit addition and subtraction. We have had to use our growth mindset and perseverance when exchanging numbers when the number went below ten.

We have also started to recognise 2D and 3D shapes as well as, being able to count the number of sides on 2D shapes. 

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In our English learning we have been looking at the story The Dark by Lemony Snicket. Before reading the story we used charcoal crayons to draw what we thought might happen in the story. We then watch two different traliers about The Dark and discussed using amazing adjectives how they made us feel and why did they make us feel this way. 

After reading some of the story we found out that there was some drawers in the basement, so we made a prediction what was going to be in the drawers and came up with better verbs than walked to explain how Laszlo got to the drawers. 



Our Geography question for this half term is "What is it like to live in Australia?"

We have looked at some photographs that link to Australia and as groups discussed what we can see, what we thought and what we wondered about them. We found out that there are 7 continents and Australia is the smallest of them all and that Australia is hot because its close to the equator. We also grouped physical and human features of Australia and learnt that physical features are naturally made and human features are made by us.  



Linking to our Geography learning about Australia we have looked at Aboriginal artwork found out that the symbols and drawings were used as a form of communication.  We practiced drawing some patterns and designs in our sketch books. These look amazing! 


Christmas performance

We are incredibly proud of how well the children have managed to learn their lines saying them loudly and clearly as well as singing the songs beautifully. It was so nice to see so many parents watching. 



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Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
