0161 368 2848



We finish for the half term holidays today. Have a lovely break. School re-opens on Monday 24th February.

Autumn 2 2024

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This half term we have been looking at fractions. We have looked at converting improper fractions to mixed number fractions ande vice versa. We have then moved onto comparing and ordering fractions that have different denominators. We have created some rules to help us understand this. 

Alongisde learning about fractions, we have continued to practice our times tables and have been improving our fluency of our times tables. 


In our English, we have started a new book on Ernest Shackleton and his journey to the Antarctic. We have learned about Ernest Shackleton and his crew. We were each given a crew member that we had to research and we created a fact file about them. We have studied the front cover of the book and created our own version.

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This half term, we have started to look at biomes and climate zones. We have looked at lines of latitude and longitude and marked these on a picture of the Earth. WE have then compared two different counties from the world. One country from near the equator and one country from the arctic circle.

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In science, this half term we have looked at Earth and Space. We have learnt about some key vocabulary to do with Space such as orbit, rotate and axis. We have then used these key vocabulary to explain the movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon and what causes day and night.



We have completed our bike ability despite the freezing cold weather and snow. It was great to see so many people developing skills and really growing in confidence on the bike.

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Files to Download

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
