0161 368 2848



Welcome to our St George's Website. Our value this term is Humility.

Cookery Club

Mrs Boult and Mrs Begum run a KS2 Cooking Club every Monday after school until 4.15pm. Up to 9 children can participate at a time. We usually send letters out to invite a different KS2 class each half term.

Sessions include:

  • Hygiene – we discuss the importance of washing hands thoroughly, wearing an apron, tying hair back and keeping the surfaces clean.
  • Planning – we plan what to make each week, listening to the children’s ideas and they as a team choose what to make.We try to include a healthy recipe where possible, however we do want to make it fun! Pizza and anything chocolate are a firm favourite!
  • Learning new skills – The children work in groups of 3 and are given a recipe to follow as well as demonstrations. They learn lots of skills during the session such as: listening to instructions, following steps in order, measuring, mixing, cutting, using equipment correctly and even how to wash up! All essential life skills.
  • Health and Safety – we talk about why health and safety is important. Children are asked to try and identify the risks in the area we use and come up with a list of dos and don’ts.
  • Recipes – at the end of each session children can take a copy of the recipe home. We want children to have a passion for food and cooking it themselves.We hope what they learn in Cooking Club inspires them to try out their skills at home and enjoy trying different foods.

We welcome new recipes to try out and would love to see any photos of you cooking at home too!


We baked apple, raisin and cinnamon muffins using the apples from our orchard area. The children also picked apples to take home. 


Favourite Recipes

Some of cooking clubs favourite tried and tested recipes:






Try to use Fairtrade ingredients if you can. Cooking Club use Fairtrade products whenever possible.

Easter Recipes



Note to parents - This is a YouTube link. Whist we have checked the video we cannot guarantee what other recommendations or adverts YouTube may make while your child is watching. Please make sure you always know what they are viewing on-line.

Health and Safety                        

More Recipes

Love to learn and learn to love




St George's C of E Primary School

Diocese of ChesterChurch Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1JL

Alison Oldham | School Business Manager

0161 368 2848
