Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 School Closure Home Learning
Share your home learning with us by emailing photographs to my email address below.
Dear Parents,
As you are aware school will be closed for a while now. The well-being and academic progress of my class is of paramount importance to me whilst the children are off. A routine is especially vital to ensure happy children who feel secure so please refer to the suggested timetable that school has issued. This allows for periods of learning, exercise etc. School has also issued suggested websites that your child may wish to use in their learning time. As far as learning in year 6 is concerned please refer to the list of activities below and try to make sure that your child is using a variety of these in their day to help their learning be fun and engaging. Although the SATs tests have now been cancelled it is still vital to continue your child’s education so that they can access the curriculum in high school without gaps in their learning. Teacher assessment will, as usual, be sent to the high schools concerning your child’s attainment in year 6 instead of SATs test marks.
Thank you for your support, I will keep in contact as much as possible,
Mrs Potts
– children may complete any challenges from the homework choice boards and in these books are all the times tables and a spelling sheet of words to learn. Your child’s log-in to access times table rock stars and purple mash learning sites are also included for you to use if you have access to the internet.
– please ensure your child has finished reading Goodnight Mr Tom which they received at Christmas. They also have some other library books from school and can of course read any of their own books for pleasure.
Newsround (CBBC)
– we watch this via the internet everyday in class and it is a great way for your child to be informed about the world in an appropriate manner for children. There are lots of other resources on the website and discussion about all these topics can be valuable learning.
– there is a maths booklet of questions (with answers provided!) as well as some maths fact sheets which the children should learn.
Reading comprehension
– there is a reading comprehension booklet (answers provided)
– I have included some writing tasks.
– 2 books. One has questions incorporated in it and the other a separate question booklet.
– SPAG revision sheets. Facts that your child should know before high school.
Outdoor and life-skills
- learning can also be done eg nature walks, gardening, cooking, learning how to make a bed etc.
Useful Websites – register and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS for a free month premium access – look at the picture each day and complete:
I see… I think… I wonder… in your book - KS2 resources for the whole curriculum – useful hints and tips for learning
PE with Joe Wicks
9AM Live on his Youtube channel- The Body Coach TV.
Library books free access online!
BorrowBox gives you free access to a wide range of bestselling ebooks and audiobooks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks you need to be a member of Tameside Libraries. If you are not a library member, you can join here.
Creating a Borrowbox account is quick and easy; you just need your Library card number, 4 digit PIN and an email address. Simply go to the BorrowBox website and follow the instructions.
CBBC Newsround
Practice your timestables as often as possible!
Chatter Chums
At this difficult time there are many lonely people and our Chatter Chums might especially be feeling this loneliness while their friends and relatives are unable to visit them at their residential home. Maybe you would like to write a letter to your chatter chum, make them an Easter card or draw them a picture. These can be dropped off at school or you can send them to Mrs Potts via email and we will make sure that your chatter chum receives them. I am sure this would bring a smile to their face and brighten up their day!
Take a look at Mrs Hewitt's Mindfulness and Music section for some great ideas!
Want to do some home baking? Check out Mrs Boult's updated Cookery Club section for recipes to try at home.
Home learning
If you complete any of the homework challenges from the learning challenge choice boards or have done some other exciting home learning whilst school is closed please share these with us by emailing photographs to my email address that was on the letter you received.
Mrs Potts
Well done to everyone working at home. We've had some great pictures of home learning! Zakir working on his My Maths. Poppy has created a volcano picture and a picture of the last ever walk she went on with a descriptive sentence. She has also helped her brother Eddy with his drawing of the Continents too! Zaara has even made her own timetable! She's completed a piece of creative writing and an earthquake picture.
Keep the pictures coming!
Dyson STEM Challenges
Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering: Visit their website or click the image below for the challenges!
Help and Advice
Support for parents during school closure can be found under the Parents section.
Click here for Tameside and Glossop Primary Health and Wellbeing Challenges!
Well done year 6 for reading the most books in Mrs Mather's 'Bring a Book to Bed Challenge'. Take a look at the library home learning page for more. Keep reading year 6!!!
Have fun trying out some of these Fair Trade Activites!
For your next Fair Trade Adventure click on the image below
Thanks a choc-a-lot click on the image below
What to do at home? Write a poem!
Click below
Online Safety
Click on the image above.
Don't forget to check out more online safety advice on our website.
Click below for more home learning activities!
Ideas and activities to become a Young Leader
Click below