Spring 1 2025
Let all that you do be done in Love
1 Corinthians 16:14
This half term we will be exploring the question:
We are thinking about our value trust. We will be looking at stories from the bible to help us understand more about what it means and how we can develop this value within ourselves.
We really enjoyed our Little Bikers session. We used our feet to push ourselves along the ground and tried to glide. We had to carefully steer ourselves around a circular course made from cones. It was so much fun!
Incy Wincy Spider
We have been learning about spiders. We have sung Incy Wincy spider and learnt about rhyming words. We have read a book called 'Walter's Wonderful Web', where Walter spins webs of different shapes. We have been learning to name and describe 2D shapes. We have used geo boards and elastic bands to make different shaped webs, used tweezers to rescue bugs from a giant sticky web, made spiders from dough and painted spider and web pictures.
Hickory Dickory Dock
We have been singing Hickory Dickory Dock. We made mice from playdough. We have enjoyed singing rhymes outside with instruments. We have been learning to cut with scissors. We have learnt you need to put your thumb at the top of the scissors.
Humpty Dumpty
We have been singing Humpty Dumpty. We persevered to build walls with blocks. We have used plasters to stick parts of Humpty Dumpty together again. We have been exploring pattern with Compare Bears.
The Wheels on the Bus
We have been singing The Wheels on the Bus. We played a bus game, rolling a dice and carefully counting out the correct number of passengers. We enjoyed role-playing going on a bus journey.
We made puppets of our favourite nursery rhymes. We used scissors to carefully cut out the shapes and used them to sing the rhymes.